Optimizing Item and Subgroup Configurations for …the next-generation VR malls, where item placement is cus-tomized exibly in accordance with both user preferences and potential - [PDF Document] (2024)

Optimizing Item and Subgroup Configurations for …the next-generation VR malls, where item placement is cus-tomized exibly in accordance with both user preferences and potential - [PDF Document] (1)

Optimizing Item and Subgroup Configurations forSocial-Aware VR Shopping

Shao-Heng Ko∗, Hsu-Chao Lai†∗, Hong-Han Shuai†,Wang-Chien Lee‡, Philip S. Yu§, De-Nian Yang∗

∗Academia Sinica, Taiwan †National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan‡The Pennsylvania State University, USA §University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

∗{arsenefrog, dnyang}@iis.sinica.edu.tw ‡[emailprotected]†{heyguys123.eecs99, hhshuai}@g2.nctu.edu.tw §[emailprotected]

ABSTRACTShopping in VR malls has been regarded as a paradigm shiftfor E-commerce, but most of the conventional VR shoppingplatforms are designed for a single user. In this paper, weenvisage a scenario of VR group shopping, which brings ma-jor advantages over conventional group shopping in brick-and-mortar stores and Web shopping: 1) configure flexibledisplay of items and partitioning of subgroups to addressindividual interests in the group, and 2) support social in-teractions in the subgroups to boost sales. Accordingly, weformulate the Social-aware VR Group-Item Configuration(SVGIC) problem to configure a set of displayed items forflexibly partitioned subgroups of users in VR group shop-ping. We prove SVGIC is APX-hard and also NP-hard toapproximate within 32

31− ε. We design a 4-approximation

algorithm based on the idea of Co-display Subgroup Forma-tion (CSF) to configure proper items for display to differ-ent subgroups of friends. Experimental results on real VRdatasets and a user study with hTC VIVE manifest thatour algorithms outperform baseline approaches by at least30.1% of solution quality.

PVLDB Reference Format:Shao-Heng Ko, Hsu-Chao Lai, Hong-Han Shuai, Wang-Chien Lee,Philip S. Yu, De-Nian Yang. Optimizing Item and SubgroupConfigurations for Social-Aware VR Shopping. PVLDB, 13(8):1275-1289, 2020.DOI: https://doi.org/10.14778/3389133.3389143

1. INTRODUCTIONVirtual Reality (VR) has emerged as a disruptive tech-

nology for social [16], travel [64], and E-commerce applica-tions. Particularly, a marketing report about future retailsfrom Oracle [7] manifests that 78% of online retailers alreadyhave implemented or are planning to implement VR and AI.Recently, International Data Corporation (IDC) forecaststhe worldwide spending on VR/AR to reach 18.8 billionUSD in 2020 [69], including $1.5 billion in retails. It also

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. To view a copyof this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/. Forany use beyond those covered by this license, obtain permission by [emailprotected]. Copyright is held by the owner/author(s). Publication rightslicensed to the VLDB Endowment.Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, Vol. 13, No. 8ISSN 2150-8097.DOI: https://doi.org/10.14778/3389133.3389143

foresees the VR/AR market to continue an annual growthrate of 77% through at least 2023. Moreover, shopping inVR malls is regarded as a paradigm shift for E-commercestores, evident by emerging VR stores such as Amazon’s VRkiosks [62], eBay and Myer’s VR department store [60], Al-ibaba Buy+ [2], and IKEA VR Store [63]. Although theseVR shopping platforms look promising, most of them aredesigned only for a single user instead of a group of friends,who often appear in brick-and-mortar stores. As a result, ex-isting approaches for configuring the displayed items in VRshopping malls are based on personal preference (similar toonline web shopping) without considering potential socialdiscussions amongst friends on items of interests, which isnevertheless reported as beneficial for boosting sales in themarketing literature [73,75,76]. In this paper, with the sup-port of Customized Interactive Display (CID), we envisagethe scenario of group shopping with families and friends inthe next-generation VR malls, where item placement is cus-tomized flexibly in accordance with both user preferencesand potential social interactions during shopping.

The CID technology [25, 36] naturally enables VR groupshopping systems with two unique strengths: 1) Customiza-tion. IKEA (see video [63] at 0:40) and Lowe’s [37] respec-tively launch VR store applications where the displayed fur-niture may adapt to the preferences of their users, whileAlibaba’s [17] and eBay’s VR stores [41] also devote them-selves to provide personalized product offers. According to amarketing survey, 79% of surveyed US, UK, and China con-sumers are likely to visit a VR store displaying customizedproducts [18]. Similar to group traveling and gaming in VR,the virtual environments (VEs) for individual users in VRgroup shopping need not be identical. While it is desirableto have consistent high-level layout and user interface for allusers, the displayed items for each user can be customizedbased on her preferences. As CID allows different users toview different items at the same display slot, personalizedrecommendation is supported.

2) Social Interaction. While a specific slot no longer needsto display the same items to all users, users viewing a com-mon item may engage a discussion on the item together,potentially driving up the engagement and purchase conver-sion [75, 76]. As a result, the displayed items could be tai-lored to maximize potential discussions during group shop-ping. 54% of 1,400 surveyed consumers in 2017 acknowl-edge social shopping as their ways to purchase products [43].The L.E.K. consulting survey [26] shows that 70% of 1,000consumers who had already experienced VR technology are


Optimizing Item and Subgroup Configurations for …the next-generation VR malls, where item placement is cus-tomized exibly in accordance with both user preferences and potential - [PDF Document] (2)

𝑐1 𝑐2 𝑐3 𝑐4 𝑐5

Item Set 𝐶

Tripod DSLRCamera


MemoryCard PSD

slot 1

slot 2

slot 3SAVG

slot 1slot 2slot 3





slot 1

slot 2

slot 3

slot 1

slot 2

slot 3

G = (V, E)




slot 1

slot 2

slot 3


(a) Comparison of different approaches.

SAVG slot 1 slot 2 slot 3

Alice 𝒄𝒄𝟓𝟓 𝒄𝒄𝟏𝟏 𝒄𝒄𝟐𝟐Bob 𝒄𝒄𝟐𝟐 𝒄𝒄𝟏𝟏 𝒄𝒄𝟒𝟒

Charlie 𝒄𝒄𝟓𝟓 𝒄𝒄𝟑𝟑 𝒄𝒄𝟒𝟒Dave 𝒄𝒄𝟓𝟓 𝒄𝒄𝟏𝟏 𝒄𝒄𝟒𝟒

Person. slot 1 slot 2 slot 3

Alice 𝒄𝒄𝟓𝟓 𝒄𝒄𝟐𝟐 𝒄𝒄𝟏𝟏Bob 𝒄𝒄𝟐𝟐 𝒄𝒄𝟏𝟏 𝒄𝒄𝟒𝟒

Charlie 𝒄𝒄𝟑𝟑 𝒄𝒄𝟒𝟒 𝒄𝒄𝟐𝟐Dave 𝒄𝒄𝟒𝟒 𝒄𝒄𝟓𝟓 𝒄𝒄𝟑𝟑

Group slot 1 slot 2 slot 3

Alice 𝒄𝒄𝟓𝟓 𝒄𝒄𝟏𝟏 𝒄𝒄𝟐𝟐Bob 𝒄𝒄𝟓𝟓 𝒄𝒄𝟏𝟏 𝒄𝒄𝟐𝟐

Charlie 𝒄𝒄𝟓𝟓 𝒄𝒄𝟏𝟏 𝒄𝒄𝟐𝟐Dave 𝒄𝒄𝟓𝟓 𝒄𝒄𝟏𝟏 𝒄𝒄𝟐𝟐

(b) Item assignments of different approaches.

US $482.00

SP Camera

US $1330.00

DSLR Camera

(c) Alice’s view at slot 1.

US $55.00


US $140.00

(d) Alice’s view at slot 2.

Figure 1: Illustrative example.

strongly interested in virtual shopping with friends who arenot physically present. Embracing the trend, Shopify [55]and its technical partner Qbit [44] build a social VR storesupporting attendance of multiple users with customizeddisplay [1]. In summary, compared with brick-and-mortarshopping, VR group shopping can better address the pref-erences of individuals in the group due to the new-foundflexibility in item placement, which can be configured notonly for the group as a whole but also for individuals andsubgroups. On the other hand, compared with conventionalE-commerce shopping on the Web, VR group shopping canboost sales by facilitating social interactions and providingan immersive experience.

Encouraged by the above evidence, we make the first at-tempt to formulate the problem of configuring displayeditems for Social-Aware VR Group (SAVG) shopping. Ourstrategy is to meet the item preferences of individual usersvia customization while enhancing potential discussions bydisplaying common items to a shopping group (and its sub-groups). For customization, one possible approach is to useexisting personalized recommendation techniques [10,23,24]to infer individual user preferences, and then retrieve thetop-k favorite items for each user. However, this person-alized approach fails to promote items of common inter-ests that may trigger social interactions. To encourage so-cial discussions, conventional group recommendation sys-tems [27, 45, 51, 52] may be leveraged to retrieve a bundleditemset for all users. Nevertheless, by presenting the same

configuration for the whole group of all users, this approachmay sacrifice the diverse individual interests. In the follow-ing example, we illustrate the difference amongst the afore-mentioned approaches, in contrast to the desirable SAVGconfiguration we target on.

Example 1 (Illustrative Example). Figure 1(a) depicts ascenario of group shopping for a VR store of digital pho-tography. At the upper left is a social network G = (V,E)of four VR users, Alice, Bob, Charlie, and Dave (indicatedby red circles, green squares, blue pentagons, and brownhexagons, respectively). On top is an item set C consist-ing of five items: tripod, DSLR camera, portable storagedevice (PSD), memory card, and self-portrait (SP) camera.Given three display slots, the shaded areas, correspondingto different configuration approaches, illustrate how itemsare displayed to individuals or subgroups (in black rectan-gles), respectively. For instance, in SAVG, the SP camera isdisplayed at slot 1 to Alice, Charlie, and Dave to stimulatetheir discussion. Figure 1(b) shows the same configurationas Figure 1(a) by depicting the individual item assignmentsfor each user with different approaches.

A configuration based on the personalized approach isshown in the light-green shaded area. It displays the top-3items of interests to individual users based on their prefer-ences (which is consistent with the numerical example shownin Table 1 in Section 3). This configuration, aiming to in-crease the exposure of items of interests to customers, doesnot have users seeing the same item at the same slot. Next,the configuration shaded in light-orange, based on the groupapproach, displays exactly the same items to every userin the group. While encouraging discussions in the wholegroup, this configuration may sacrifice some individual in-terests and opportunities to sell some items, e.g., Dave maynot find his favorite item (the memory card). Aiming tostrike a balance between the factors of individual prefer-ences and social interactions, the SAVG configuration formssubgroups flexibly across the displayed slots, having someusers seeing the same items at the same slots (to encouragediscussions), yet finding items of individual interests at theremaining slots. For example, the tripod is displayed at slot2 to all users except for Charlie, who sees the PSD on hisown. The DSLR camera is displayed to Bob at slot 1 and toAlice at slot 3, respectively, satisfying their individual inter-ests. Figures 1(c) and 1(d) show Alice’s view at slot 1 andslot 2, respectively, in this configuration. As shown, Alice isco-displayed the SP camera with Charlie and Dave at slot 1(informed by the user icons below the primary view of theitem), then co-displayed the Tripod with Bob and Dave atslot 2. As shown, SAVG shopping displays items of inter-ests to individuals or different subgroups at each slot, andthereby is more flexible than other approaches.

As illustrated above, in addition to identifying which itemsto be displayed in which slots, properly partitioning sub-groups by balancing both factors of personal preferences andsocial discussions is critical for the above-depicted SAVGshopping. In this work, we define the notion of SAVG k-Configuration, which specifies the partitioned subgroups (orindividuals) and corresponding items for each of the allocatedk slots. We also introduce the notion of co-display that rep-resents users sharing views on common items. Formally, weformulate a new optimization problem, namely Social-awareVR Group-Item Configuration (SVGIC), to find the optimal


Optimizing Item and Subgroup Configurations for …the next-generation VR malls, where item placement is cus-tomized exibly in accordance with both user preferences and potential - [PDF Document] (3)

SAVG k-Configuration that maximizes the overall 1) pref-erence utility from users viewing their allocated items and2) social utility from all pairs of friends having potentialdiscussions on co-displayed items, where the basic prefer-ence utility of an individual user on a particular item andthe basic social utility of two given users on a co-displayeditem are provided as inputs. Meanwhile, we ensure that noduplicated items are displayed at different slots to a user.The problem is very challenging due to a complex trade-offbetween prioritizing personalized item configuration and fa-cilitating social interactions. Indeed, we prove that SVGICis NP-hard to approximate SVGIC within a ratio of 32

31− ε.

To solve SVGIC, we first present an Integer Program (IP)as a baseline to find the exact solution which requires super-polynomial time. To address the efficiency issue while ensur-ing good solution quality, we then propose a novel approx-imation algorithm, namely Alignment-aware VR SubgroupFormation (AVG), to approach the optimal solution in poly-nomial time. Specifically, AVG first relaxes the IP to allowfragmented SAVG k-Configurations, and obtains the opti-mal (fractional) solution of the relaxed linear program. Itthen assigns the fractional decision variables derived fromthe optimal solution as the utility factors for various po-tential allocations of user-item-slot in the solution. Items ofhigh utility factors are thus desirable as they are preferred toindividuals or encouraging social discussions. Moreover, byleveraging an idea of dependent rounding, AVG introducesthe notion of Co-display Subgroup Formation (CSF) to strikea balance between personal preferences and social interac-tions in forming subgroups. CSF forms a target subgroup ofsocially connected users with similar interests to display anitem, according to a randomized grouping threshold on util-ity factors to determine the membership of the target sub-group. With CSF, AVG finds the subgroups (for all slots)and selects appropriate items simultaneously, and therebyis more effective than other approaches that complete thesetasks separately in predetermined steps. Theoretically, weprove that AVG achieves 4-approximation in expectation.We then show that AVG can be derandomized into a deter-ministic 4-approximation algorithm for SVGIC. We designfurther LP transformation and sampling techniques to im-prove the efficiency of AVG.

Next, we enrich SVGIC by taking into account some prac-tical VR operations and constraints. We define the no-tion of indirect co-display to capture the potential socialutility obtained from friends displayed a common item attwo different slots in their VEs, where discussion is facil-itated via the teleportation [5] function in VR. We alsoconsider a subgroup size constraint on the partitioned sub-groups at each display slot due to practical limits in VRapplications. Accordingly, we formulate the Social-awareVR Group-Item Configuration with Teleportation and Sizeconstraint (SVGIC-ST) problem, and prove that SVGIC-ST is unlikely to be approximated within a constant ratio inpolynomial time. Nevertheless, we extend AVG to supportSVGIC-ST and guarantee feasibility of the solution. More-over, we extend AVG to support a series of practical scenar-ios. Due to space limit, the details of SVGIC-ST and theabove extensions are presented in the full-length version [31]of this paper.

The contributions of this work are summarized as follows:

• We coin the notion of SAVG k-Configuration un-der the context of VR group shopping and formulate

the SVGIC problem, aiming to return an SAVG k-Configuration that facilitates social interactions whilenot sacrificing the members’ individual preferences.We prove SVGIC is APX-hard and also NP-hard toapproximate within 32

31− ε.

• We systematically tackle SVGIC by introducing anIP model and designing a 4-approximation algorithm,AVG, based on the idea of Co-display Subgroup For-mation (CSF) that leverages the flexibility of CID topartition subgroups for each slot and display commonitems to subgroup members.

• A comprehensive evaluation on real VR datasets anda user study implemented in Unity and hTC VIVEmanifest that our algorithms outperform the state-of-the-art recommendation schemes by at least 30.1% interms of solution quality.

This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews therelated work. Section 3 formally defines the notion of SAVGk-Configuration, then formulates the SVGIC problem andan IP model. Then, Section 4 details the proposed AVGalgorithm and the theoretical results. Section 5 discusses thedirections for extensions. Section 6 reports the experimentalresults, and Section 7 concludes this paper.

2. RELATED WORKGroup Recommendation. Various schemes for esti-mating group preference have been proposed by aggregat-ing features from different users in a group [45, 51]. Cao etal. [8] propose an attention network for finding the groupconsensus. However, sacrificing personal preferences, theabove group recommenders assign a unified set of itemsfor the entire group based only on the aggregate prefer-ence without considering social topologies. For advancedapproaches, recommendation-aware group formation [49]forms subgroups according to item preferences. SDSSel [52]finds dense subgroups and diverse itemsets. Shuai et al. [56]customize the sequence of shops without considering CID.However, the above recommenders find static subgroups,i.e., a universal partition, and still assign a fixed configura-tion of items to each subgroup, where every subgroup mem-ber sees the same item in the same slot. In contrast, theSAVG approach considered in this paper allows the parti-tioned subgroups to vary across all display slots and therebyis more flexible than the above works.Personalized Recommendation. Personalized recom-mendation, a cornerstone of E-commerce, has been widelyinvestigated. A recent line of study integrates deep learn-ing with Collaborative Filtering (CF) [10, 39] on heteroge-neous applications [19], while Bayesian Personalized Rank-ing [9, 48] is proposed to learn the ranking of recommendeditems. However, the above works fail to consider social in-teractions. While social relations have been leveraged toinfer preferences of products [79, 80], POIs [32], and socialevents [35], they do not take into account the social interac-tions among users in recommendation of items. Thus, theyfail to consider the trade-off between social and personal fac-tors. In this paper, we exploit the preferences obtained fromsuch studies to serve as inputs for the tackled problems.Social Group Search and Formation. Research onfinding various groups from online social networks (OSNs)


Optimizing Item and Subgroup Configurations for …the next-generation VR malls, where item placement is cus-tomized exibly in accordance with both user preferences and potential - [PDF Document] (4)

for different purposes has drawn increasing attention in re-cent years. Community search finds similar communitiescontaining a given set of query nodes [11,33]. Group forma-tion organizes a group of experts with low communicationcosts and specific skill combinations [4, 46]. In addition,organizing a group in social networks based on spatial fac-tors [53, 71], team member skills [54], or privacy consider-ations [59] have also gained more attention. The problemstackled in the above studies are fundamentally different fromthe scenario in this paper, since they focus on retrievingonly parts of the social network according to some criteria,whereas item selection across multiple slots is not addressed.Instead, SAVG group shopping aims to configure item dis-play for all VR shopping users, whereas the subgroups par-tition the entire social network.Related Combinatorial Optimization Problems.SVGIC is related to the Multi-Labeling (ML) [70] prob-lem and its variations, including Multiway Partition [70,77],Maximum Happy Vertices/Edges (MHV/MHE) [74], andMultiway Cut [12] in graphs. In Section 3.3, we revisitthe challenging combinatorial nature of the proposed SVGICproblem and its relation with the related problems, whereasdetailed introduction of each problem, as well as a summarytable, are presented in the full version [31].


In this section, we first define the notion of SAVG k-Configuration and then formally introduce the SVGIC prob-lem. We also prove its hardness of approximation, and in-troduce an integer program for SVGIC as a cornerstone forthe AVG algorithm.

3.1 Problem FormulationGiven a collection C of m items (called the Universal Item

Set), a directed social network G = (V,E) with a vertex setV of n users (i.e., shoppers to visit a VR store) and an edgeset E specifying their social relationships. In the follow-ing, we use the terms user set and shopping group inter-changeably to refer to V , and define SAVG k-Configurationto represent the partitioned subgroups and the correspond-ing items displayed at their allocated slots.

Definition 1. Social-Aware VR Group k-Configuration(SAVG k-Configuration). Given k display slots for display-ing items to users in a VR shopping group, an SAVG k-Configuration is a function A(·, ·) : (V × [k])→ C mapping atuple (u, s) of a user u and a slot s to an item c. A(u, s) = cmeans that the configuration has item c displayed at slots to user u, and A(u, :) = 〈A(u, 1),A(u, 2), . . . ,A(u, k)〉are the k items displayed to u. Furthermore, the func-tion is regulated by a no-duplication constraint which en-sures the k items displayed to u are distinct, i.e., A(u, s) 6=A(u, s′),∀s 6= s′.

For shopping with families and friends, previous research[73, 75, 76] demonstrates that discussions and interactionsare inclined to trigger more purchases of an item. Specifi-cally, the VR technology supporting social interactions hasalready been employed in existing VR social platforms, e.g.,VRChat [65], AltspaceVR [3], and Facebook Horizon [15],where users, represented by customized avatars, interactwith friends in various ways: 1) Movement and gesture.

Commercial VR devices, e.g., Oculus Quest and HTC VivePro, support six-degree-of-freedom headsets and hand-heldcontrollers to detect the user movements and gestures inreal-time. These movements are immediately updated tothe server and then perceived by other users. For example,a high-five gesture mechanism is used in Rec Room [47] tolet users befriend others. 2) Emotes and Emojis. Similar toemoticons in social network platforms, VR users can presenttheir emotions through basic expressions (happy face, sadface, etc.) or advanced motions (e.g., dance, backflip, anddie in VRChat [66]). 3) Real sound. This allows usersto communicate with friends verbally through their micro-phones. As such, current VR applications support immer-sive and seamless social interactions, rendering social inter-actions realistic in shopping systems.

With non-customized user environments in brick-and-mortar stores, discussing a specific item near its locationis the default behavior. On the other hand, as users aredisplayed completely customized items in personalized e-commerce (e.g., the 20 items appearing on the main page ofa shopping site can be completely disjoint for two friends),it often requires a “calibration” step (e.g., sharing the exacthyperlink of the product page) to share the view on the tar-get item before e-commerce users can engage in discussionson some items. Since shopping users are used to havingdiscussions on the common item they are viewing at theidentical slot in their own Virtual Environments (VEs), wedevote to enhance the possibility of this intuitive setting inour envisioned VR shopping VEs even though other settingsare also possible in VR.

Therefore, for a pair of friends displayed a common item,it is most convenient to display the item at the same slot inthe two users’ respective VEs such that they can locate theexact position easily (e.g., “come to the second shelf; youshould see this.”). Accordingly, upon viewing any item, itis expected that the user interface indicates a list of friendsbeing co-displayed the specific item with the current user,so that she is aware of the potential candidates to start adiscussion with. To display an item at the same slot to apair of friends, we define the notion of co-display as follows.

Definition 2. Co-display (uc←→sv). Let u

c←→sv represent

that users u and v are co-displayed an identical item c atslot s, i.e., A(u, s) = A(v, s) = c. Let u

c←→ v denote that

there exists at least one s such that uc←→sv.

Naturally, the original group of users are partitioned intosubgroups in correspondence with the displayed items. Thatis, for each slot s ∈ [k], the SAVG k-Configuration implicitlypartitions the user set V into a collection of disjoint subsetsV s = {V s1 , V s2 , . . . , V sNp(s)

}, where Np(s) is the number of

partitioned subgroups at slot s, such that uc←→sv if and only

if u, v ∈ V si , i = 1, . . . ,Np(s).Under the scenario of brick-and-mortar group shopping,

previous research [38, 40, 50, 73, 75] indicates that the sat-isfaction of a group shopping user is affected by two fac-tors: personal preference and social interaction. Further-more, empirical research on dynamic group interaction inretails finds that shopping while discussing with others con-sistently boosts sales [73], while intra-group talk frequencyhas a significant impact on users’ shopping tendencies andpurchase frequencies [75, 76]. Accordingly, we capture theoverall satisfaction by combining 1) the aggregated personal


Optimizing Item and Subgroup Configurations for …the next-generation VR malls, where item placement is cus-tomized exibly in accordance with both user preferences and potential - [PDF Document] (5)

Table 1: Preference and social utility values in Example 2.

p(uA, ·) p(uB , ·) p(uC , ·) p(uD, ·)τ(uA,uB , ·)

τ(uA,uC , ·)

τ(uA,uD, ·)

τ(uB ,uA, ·)

τ(uB ,uC , ·)

τ(uC ,uA, ·)

τ(uC ,uB , ·)

τ(uD,uA, ·)

c1 0.8 0.7 0 0.1 0.2 0 0.2 0.2 0 0 0.1 0.3c2 0.85 1.0 0.15 0 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05c3 0.1 0.15 0.7 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.05c4 0.05 0.2 0.6 1.0 0 0 0.05 0.05 0.2 0.05 0.2 0c5 1.0 0.1 0.1 0.95 0.05 0.3 0.2 0.05 0 0.3 0.05 0.25

preferences and 2) the retailing benefits from facilitating so-cial interactions and discussions. We note that, from an op-timization perspective, these two goals form a trade-off be-cause close friends/families may have diverse personal pref-erences over items. One possible way to simultaneously con-sider both factors is to use an end-to-end machine learning-based approach, which generates the user embeddings anditem embeddings [8] and designs a neural network aggregatorto derive the total user satisfaction. However, this approachrequires an algorithm to generate candidate configurationsfor ranking and relies on a huge amount of data to train theparameters in the aggregator. On the other hand, previousresearch [57, 67] has demonstrated that a weighted combi-nation of the preferential and social factors is effective inmeasuring user satisfaction, where the weights can be di-rectly set by a user or implicitly learned from existing mod-els [35,78]. Therefore, we follow [57,67] to define the SAVGutility as a combination of aggregated preference utility andaggregated social utility, weighted by a parameter λ.

Specifically, for a given pair of friends u and v, i.e., (u, v) ∈E, and an item c ∈ C, let p(u, c) ≥ 0 denote the preferenceutility of user u for item c, and let τ(u, v, c) ≥ 0 denote thesocial utility of user u from viewing item c together with userv, where τ(u, v, c) can be different from τ(v, u, c). Following[57,67], the SAVG utility is defined as follows.

Definition 3. SAVG utility (wA(u, c)). Given an SAVGk-Configuration A, the SAVG utility of user u on item cin A represents a combination of the preference and socialutilities, where λ ∈ [0, 1] represents their relative weight.

wA(u, c) = (1− λ) · p(u, c) + λ ·∑


τ(u, v, c)

The preference and social utility values, as well as the weightλ, can be directly given by the users or obtained from social-aware personalized recommendation learning models [35,78].Those models, learning from purchase history, are able to in-fer (u, c) and (u, v, c) tuples to relieve users from filling thoseutilities manually. To validate the effectiveness of this objec-tive model, we have conducted a user study in real CID VRshopping system which shows high correlations between usersatisfaction and the proposed problem formulation (Pleasesee Section 6.5 for the results).

Example 2. Revisit Example 1 where C = {c1, c2, . . . , c5}and let V = {uA, uB , uC , uD} denote Alice, Bob, Charlie,and Dave, respectively. Table 1 summarizes the given pref-erence and social utility values. For example, the prefer-ence utility of Alice to the tripod is p(uA, c1) = 0.8. Inthe SAVG 3-configuration described at the top of Figure 1,A(uA, ·) = 〈c5, c1, c2〉, meaning that the SP camera, the tri-pod, and the DSLR camera are displayed to Alice at slots

1, 2, and 3, respectively. Let λ = 0.4. At slot 2, Aliceis co-displayed the tripod with Bob and Dave. Therefore,wA(uA, c1) = 0.6 · 0.8 + 0.4 · (0.2 + 0.2) = 0.64.

We then formally introduce the SVGIC problem as follows.Problem: Social-aware VR Group-Item Configura-tion (SVGIC).Given: A social network G = (V,E), a universal item setC, preference utility p(u, c) for all u ∈ V and c ∈ C, socialutility τ(u, v, c) for all (u, v) ∈ E and c ∈ C, the weight λ,and the number of slots k.Find: An SAVG k-Configuration A∗ to maximize the totalSAVG utility



wA∗(u, c),

where wA∗(u, c) is the SAVG utility defined in Definition 3,and the no-duplication constraint is ensured.

Finally, we remark here that the above additive objec-tive function in SVGIC can be viewed as a generalization ofmore limited variations of objectives. For instance, some ob-jectives in personal/group recommendation systems withoutconsidering social discussions, e.g., the AV semantics in [49],are special cases of SVGIC where λ = 0. We detail this inSection 3.1 in the full version [31].

3.2 Indirect Co-display and SVGIC-STIn SVGIC, we characterize the merit of social discussions

by the social utilities to a pair of users when they see thesame item at the same slot. On the other hand, if a com-mon item is displayed at different slots in two users’ VEs,a prompt discussion is more difficult to initiate since theusers need to locate and move to the exact position of theitem first. Teleportation [5], widely used in VR tourism andgaming applications, allows VR users to directly transportbetween different positions in the VE. Thus, for a pair ofusers Alice and Bob co-displayed an item at different slots,as long as they are aware of where the item is displayed,one (or both) of them can teleport to the respective displayslot of the item to trigger a discussion. To model this eventthat requires more efforts from users, we further proposea generalized notion of indirect co-display to consider theabove-described scenario.

Definition 4. Indirect Co-display. (uc←−→s,s′

v). Let uc←−→s,s′


denote that users u and v are indirectly co-displayed an itemc at slots s and s′ respectively in their VEs, i.e., A(u, s) =

A(v, s′) = c. We use uc←→

indv to denote that there exist

different slots s 6= s′ such that uc←−→s,s′



Optimizing Item and Subgroup Configurations for …the next-generation VR malls, where item placement is cus-tomized exibly in accordance with both user preferences and potential - [PDF Document] (6)

As social discussions on indirectly co-displayed items areless immersive and require intentional user effort, we intro-duce a discount factor dtel < 1 on teleportation to down-grade the social utility obtained via indirect co-display.Therefore, the total SAVG utility incorporating indirect co-display is as follows.

In the full version of this paper [31], we explicitly formu-late a more generalized SVGIC-ST problem with the abovenotions of indirect display and a modified SAVG utility,where the problem is associated with an additional subgroupsize constraint to accommodate practical limits in existingVR applications. Tables of all used notations in both SVGICand SVGIC-ST are also provided in the full version [31].

3.3 Hardness Result and Integer ProgramIn the following, we state theoretical hardness results for

SVGIC and briefly discuss its relation with other combina-torial problems.

Theorem 1. SVGIC is APX-hard. Moreover, for any ε > 0,it is NP-hard to approximate SVGIC within a ratio of 32


Proof. We prove the theorem with a gap-preserving reduc-tion from the MAX− E3SAT problem [22]. Due to spaceconstraint, please see the full version [31] for the proof.

Comparison with Related Combinatorial Problems.Among the related Multi-Labeling (ML)-type problems de-tailed in Section 2, SVGIC is particularly related to thegraph coloring problem MHE [74], where, different fromtraditional graph coloring, vertices are encouraged to sharethe same color with neighbors. The optimization goal ofMHE is to maximize the number of happy edges, i.e., edgeswith same-color vertices. Regarding the displayed items inSVGIC as colors (labels) in MHE, the social utility achievedin SVGIC is closely related to the number of preserved happyedges in MHE, and SVGIC thereby encourages partitioningall users into dense subgroups to preserve the most socialutility. However, SVGIC is more difficult than the ML-type problems due to the following reasons. 1) The ML-type problems find a strict partition that maps each en-tity/vertex to only one color (label), while SVGIC assignsk items to each user, implying that any direct reductionfrom the above problems can only map to the k = 1 spe-cial case in SVGIC. 2) Most of the ML-type problems donot discriminate among different labels, i.e., switching theassigned labels of two different subgroups does not changetheir objective functions. This corresponds to the specialcase of SVGIC where all preference utility p(u, c) and socialutility τ(u, v, c) do not depend on the item c. 3) Most of theML-type problems admit a partial labeling (pre-labeling) inthe input such that some entities have predefined fixed la-bels (otherwise labeling every entity with the same label isoptimal, rendering the problem trivial), while SVGIC doesnot specify any item to be displayed to specific users. How-ever, SVGIC requires k items for each user; moreover, evenin the k = 1 special case, simply displaying the same item toall users in SVGIC is not optimal due to the item-dependentpreference and social utility.

Next, we propose an Integer Programming (IP) model forSVGIC to serve as the cornerstone for the approximationalgorithm proposed later in Section 4. Let binary variablexcu,s denote whether user u is displayed item c at slot s, i.e.,xcu,s = 1 if and only if A(u, s) = c. Let xcu indicate whether

u is displayed c at any slot in the SAVG k-Configuration.Moreover, for each pair of friends e = (u, v) ∈ E, let binaryvariable yce,s denote whether u and v are co-displayed item

c at slot s, i.e., yce,s = 1 if and only if uc←→sv. Similarly,

variable yce = 1 if and only if uc←→ v. The objective of

SVGIC is specified as follows.



[(1−λ) ·p(u, c) ·xcu+λ ·∑


(τ(u, v, c) ·yce)]

subject to the following constraints,


xcu,s ≤ 1, ∀u ∈ V, c ∈ C (1)


xcu,s = 1, ∀u ∈ V, s ∈ [k] (2)

xcu =


xcu,s, ∀u ∈ V, c ∈ C (3)

yce =k∑s=1

yce,s, ∀e = (u, v) ∈ E, c ∈ C (4)

yce,s ≤ xcu,s, ∀e = (u, v) ∈ E, s ∈ [k], c ∈ C (5)

yce,s ≤ xcv,s, ∀e = (u, v) ∈ E, s ∈ [k], c ∈ C (6)

xcu,s, xcu, y

ce,s, y

ce ∈ {0, 1}, ∀u ∈ V, e ∈ E, s ∈ [k], c ∈ C. (7)

Constraint (1) states that each item c can only be dis-played at most once to a user u (i.e., the no-duplicationconstraint). Constraint (2) guarantees that each user u isdisplayed exactly one item at each slot s. Constraint (3)ensures that xcu = 1 (u is displayed c in the configuration) ifand only if there is exactly one slot s with xcu,s = 1. Simi-larly, constraint (4) ensures yce = 1 if and only if yce,s = 1 forexactly one s. Constraints (5) and (6) specify the co-display,where yce,s is allowed to be 1 only if c is displayed to bothu and v at slot s, i.e., xcu,s = xcv,s = 1. Finally, constraint(7) ensures all decision variables are binary. Note that thex variables in the IP model are sufficient to represent thesolution of SVGIC (i.e., xcu,s denotes whether an item c isdisplayed at slot s for user u), whereas the y variables areauxiliary to enable formulating SVGIC as an IP.

4. ALGORITHM DESIGNIn this section, we introduce the Alignment-aware VR

Subgroup Formation (AVG) algorithm to tackle SVGIC. Asshown in Example 1, the personalized and group approachesdo not solve SVGIC effectively, as the former misses on so-cial utility from co-display while the latter fails to leveragethe flexibility of CID to preserve personal preference. Analternative idea, called the subgroup approach, is to firstpre-partition the shopping group (i.e., the whole user set)into some smaller social-aware subgroups (e.g., using tradi-tional community detection techniques), and then determinethe displayed items based on preferences of the subgroups.While this idea is effective for social event organization [67]where each user is assigned to exactly one social activity, itrenders the partitioning of subgroups static across all displayslots in SVGIC, i.e., a user is always co-displayed commonitems only with other users in the same subgroup. There-fore, this approach does not fully exploit the CID flexibility,leaving some room for better results.


Optimizing Item and Subgroup Configurations for …the next-generation VR malls, where item placement is cus-tomized exibly in accordance with both user preferences and potential - [PDF Document] (7)

Instead of using a universal partition of subgroups asin the aforementioned subgroup approach, we aim to de-vise a more sophisticated approach that allows varied co-display subgroups across the display slots to maximize theuser experience. Accordingly, we leverage Linear Program-ming (LP) relaxation strategies that build on the solutionof the Integer Program formulated in Section 3.3 becauseit naturally facilitates different subgroup partitions acrossall slots while allocating proper items for those subgroupswith CID. In other words, our framework partitions the sub-groups (for each slot) and selects the items simultaneously,thus avoiding any possible shortcomings of two-phased ap-proaches that finish these two tasks sequentially. By relax-ing all the integrality constraints in the IP, we obtain a re-laxed linear program whose fractional optimal solution canbe explicitly solved in polynomial time. For an item c to bedisplayed to a user u at a certain slot s, the fractional deci-sion variable x∗cu,s obtained from the optimal solution of theLP relaxation problem can be assigned as its utility factor.Items with larger utility factors are thus inclined to con-tribute more SAVG utility (i.e., the objective value), sincethey are preferred by the users or more capable of triggeringsocial interactions.

Next, it is important to design an effective rounding pro-cedure to construct a promising SAVG k-Configuration ac-cording to the utility factors. We observe that simple in-dependent rounding schemes may perform egregiously inSVGIC because they do not facilitate effective co-displayingof common items, thereby losing a huge amount of potentialsocial utility upon constructing the SAVG k-Configuration,especially in the cases where the item preferences are not di-verse. Indeed, we prove that independent rounding schemesmay achieve an expected total objective of only O(1/m)of the optimal amount. Motivated by the incompetenceof independent rounding, our idea is to leverage dependentrounding schemes that encourage co-display of items of com-mon interests, i.e., with high utility factors to multiple usersin the optimal LP solution.

Based on the idea of dependent rounding schemes in [30],we introduce the idea of Co-display Subgroup Formation(CSF) that co-displays a focal item c at a specific focal slots to every user u with a utility factor xcu,s greater than agrouping threshold α. In other words, CSF clusters the userswith high utility factors to a focal item c to form a targetsubgroup in order to co-display c to the subgroup at a spe-cific display slot s. Depending on the randomly chosen setof focal parameters, including the focal item, the focal slot,and the grouping threshold, the size of the created targetsubgroups can span a wide spectrum, i.e., as small as a sin-gle user and as large as the whole user set V , to effectivelyavoid the pitfalls of personalized and group approaches. Therandomness naturally makes the algorithm less vulnerableto extreme-case inputs, therefore resulting in a good ap-proximation guarantee. Moreover, CSF allows the parti-tions of subgroups to vary across all slots in the returnedSAVG k-Configuration, exploiting the flexibility providedby CID. However, different from the dependent roundingschemes in [30], the construction of SAVG k-Configurationsin SVGIC faces an additional challenge – it is necessary tocarefully choose the displayed items at multiple slots to en-sure the no-duplication constraint.

We prove that AVG is a 4-approximation algorithm forSVGIC and also show that AVG can be derandomized into

Table 2: Optimal fractional solution for slot 1 inExample 2.

x∗c1·,1 x∗c2·,1 x∗c3·,1 x∗c4·,1 x∗c5·,1uA 0.33 0.33 0 0 0.33uB 0.33 0.33 0 0.33 0uC 0 0 0.33 0.33 0.33uD 0.33 0 0 0.33 0.33

a deterministic approximation algorithm. In the following,we first deal with the case with λ = 1

2. We observe that all

other cases with λ 6= 0 can be reduced to this case by properscaling of the inputs, i.e., p’(u, c) = 1−λ

λp(u, c), whereas

λ = 0 makes the problem become trivial. We explicitlyprove this property in Section 4.4 in the full version [31].Moreover, for brevity, the total SAVG utility is scaled upby 2 so that it is a direct sum of the preference and socialutility. A table of all notations used in AVG is also providedin [31].

4.1 LP Relaxation and an IndependentRounding Scheme

Following the standard linear relaxation technique [68],the LP relaxation of SVGIC is formulated by replacing theintegrality constraint (constraint (7)) in the IP model, i.e.,xcu,s, x

cu, y

ce,s, y

ce ∈ {0, 1}, with linear upper/lower bound

constraints, i.e., 0 ≤ xcu,s, xcu, yce,s, yce ≤ 1. The optimal frac-tional solution of the relaxed problem can be acquired inpolynomial time with commercial solvers, e.g., CPLEX [28]or Gurobi [21]. Recall that the x-variables are sufficient torepresent the solution of SVGIC (i.e., xcu,s denotes whetheran item c is displayed at slot s for user u), whereas the y-variables are auxiliary. Therefore, the optimal solution canbe fully represented by X∗ (the set of optimal x variables).The fractional decision variable x∗cu,s in X∗ is then taken asthe utility factor of item c at slot s for user u. Note that theoptimal objective in the relaxed LP is an upper bound of theoptimal total SAVG utility in SVGIC, because the optimalsolution in SVGIC is guaranteed to be a feasible solution ofthe LP relaxation problem.

Example 3. Table 2 shows the utility factors in Example2, where the fractional solution is identical for all slots 1-3 (thereby only slot 1 is shown). For example, the utilityfactor of c1 (the tripod) to Alice at each slot is x∗c1u,1 =x∗c1u,2 = x∗c1u,3 = 0.33.

Note that three items (c1, c2, and c5) have nonzero utilityfactors to Alice at slot 1 in Example 3, which manifests thatthe optimal LP solution may not construct a valid SAVGk-Configuration because each user is allowed to display ex-actly one item at each display slot in SVGIC. Therefore, arounding scheme is needed to construct appropriate SAVGk-Configurations from the utility factors. Given X∗, a sim-ple rounding scheme is to randomly (and independently)assign item c to user u at slot s with probability x∗cu,s, i.e.,the utility factor of c to u at s, so that more favorable itemsare more inclined to be actually displayed to the users.

However, as this strategy selects the displayed items in-dependently, for a pair of friends u and v, the chance thatthe algorithm obtains high social utility by facilitating co-display is small, since it requires the randomized rounding


Optimizing Item and Subgroup Configurations for …the next-generation VR malls, where item placement is cus-tomized exibly in accordance with both user preferences and potential - [PDF Document] (8)

process to hit on the same item for both u and v simulta-neously. Furthermore, this strategy could not ensure the fi-nal SAVG k-Configuration to follow the no-duplication con-straint, as an item c can be displayed to a user u at any slotwith a nonzero utility factor. The following lemma demon-strates the ineffectiveness of this rounding scheme.

Lemma 1. There exists an SVGIC instance I on which theabove rounding scheme achieves only a total SAVG utilityof O( 1

m) of the optimal value in expectation.

Proof. Due to space constraints, please see Section 4.1 inthe full version [31] for the proof.

4.2 Alignment-aware AlgorithmTo address the above issues, we devise the Co-display

Subgroup Formation (CSF) rounding scheme, inspired bythe dependent rounding scheme for labeling problems [30],as the cornerstone of AVG to find a target subgroup Uaccording to a set of focal parameters for co-display ofthe focal item to all users in U . Given the optimal frac-tional solution X∗ to the LP relaxation problem, AVG it-eratively 1) samples a set of focal parameters (c, s, α) withc ∈ C, s ∈ {1, 2, . . . , k}, and α ∈ [0, 1] uniformly at random;it then 2) conducts CSF according to the selected set of pa-rameters (c, s, α) until a complete SAVG k-Configuration isconstructed. It is summarized in Algorithm 1.

Algorithm 1 Alignment-aware VR Subgroup Formation(AVG)

Input: X∗

Output: An SAVG k-Configuration A1: A(u, s)← NULL for all u, s2: X∗ ← X∗LP

3: while some entry in A is NULL do4: Sample c ∈ C, s ∈ [k], α ∈ [0, 1] randomly5: for u ∈ V do6: if A(u, s) = NULL and A(u, t) 6= c ∀t 6= s then7: (u eligible for (c, s))8: if x∗cu,s ≥ α then9: A(u, s)← c

10: return A

Co-display Subgroup Formation. Given the randomlysampled set of parameters (c, s, α), CSF finds the targetsubgroup as follows. With the focal item c and the focalslot s, a user u is eligible for (c, s) in CSF if and only if 1)u has not been displayed any item at slot s, and 2) c hasnot been displayed to u at any slot. Users not eligible for(c, s) are not displayed any item in CSF to ensure the no-duplication constraint. For each eligible user u, CSF selectsc for u at slot s (i.e., A(u, s) ← c) if and only if x∗cu,s isno smaller than the grouping threshold α. In other words,given (c, s, α), CSF co-displays c to a target subgroup U thatconsists of every eligible user u with x∗cu,s ≥ α. Therefore,the grouping threshold α plays a key role to the performancebound in the formation of subgroups. Later we prove thatwith the above strategy, for any pair of users u, v and any

item c, Pr(uc←→ v) ≥ y∗ce

4; or equivalently, the expected

social utility of u from viewing c with v obtained in the finalSAVG k-Configuration is at least a constant factor withinthat in the optimal LP solution.

AVG repeats the process of parameter sampling and CSFuntil a feasible SAVG k-Configuration is fully constructed,i.e., each user is displayed exactly one item at each slot, andthe no-duplication constraint is satisfied.

Example 4. For Example 2 with the utility factors shownin Table 2, assume that the set of focal parameters are sam-pled as (c, s, α) = (c1, 3, 0.06). Since x∗c1uA,3

= x∗c1uB ,3=

x∗c1uD,3= 0.33 > 0.06 > x∗c1uC ,3

= 0, CSF co-displays thetripod to the subgroup {Alice, Bob, Dave} at slot 3. Next,for the second set of parameters (c, s, α) = (c4, 2, 0.22),{Bob, Charlie, Dave} is formed and co-displayed the mem-ory card at slot 2, since x∗c4uB ,2

= x∗c4uC ,2= x∗c4uD,2

=0.33 > 0.22 > x∗c4uA,2

= 0. The subsequent sets of pa-rameters (c, s, α) are respectively (c3, 1, 0.04), (c5, 3, 0.2),(c5, 1, 0.31), (c2, 1, 0.01), and (c2, 2, 0.19) in the next five it-erations, achieving a total SAVG utility of 9.75. Please seeSection 4.2 in the full version [31] for more details.

The theoretical guarantee of the AVG algorithm is givenin the following results, which we explicitly prove in Section4.2 in the full version [31] due to the space constraint.

Theorem 2. Given the optimal fractional solutionX∗, AVG returns an expected 4-approximate SAVG k-Configuration in O(n2 · k)-time.

Corollary 2.1. Repeating AVG and selecting the best out-put returns a (4 + ε)-approximate SAVG k-Configurationin O(n2 · k · logε n)-time with high probability, i.e., with aprobability 1− 1

nO(1) .

Corollary 2.2. Given a (non-optimal) fractional solution

X∗ as a β-approximation of the LP relaxation problem,AVG returns an expected (4 · β)-approximate SAVG k-Configuration.

The second corollary is particularly useful in practice forimproving the efficiency of AVG since state-of-the-art LPsolvers often reach a close-to-optimal solution in a short timebut need a relatively long time to return the optimal solu-tion, especially for large inputs. Therefore, it allows for aquality-efficiency trade-off in solving SVGIC.

4.3 Derandomizing AVGFrom the investigation of AVG, we observe that the group-

ing threshold α plays a key role in forming effective targetsubgroups in CSF. If α is close to 0, CSF easily forms alarge subgroup consisting of all users and co-displays the fo-cal item to them, similar to the ineffective group approach.On the other hand, large α values lead to small subgroups,not good for exploiting social interactions. Due to the ran-domness involved in AVG, these caveats cannot be com-pletely avoided. To address these issues, we aim to furtherstrengthen the performance guarantee of AVG by derandom-izing the selection of focal parameters to obtain a strongerversion of the algorithm, namely Deterministic Alignment-aware VR Subgroup Formation (AVG-D), which is a deter-ministic 4-approximation algorithm. First, we observe thatα can be assigned in a discrete manner.

Observation 1. There are O(knm) distinct possible out-comes in CSF, each corresponding to a grouping thresholdα = x∗cu,s, i.e., the utility factor of an item c to a user u ata slot s.


Optimizing Item and Subgroup Configurations for …the next-generation VR malls, where item placement is cus-tomized exibly in accordance with both user preferences and potential - [PDF Document] (9)

The above observation can be verified as follows. Given cand s, the outcome of CSF with grouping threshold α = x,for any x ∈ [0, 1], is equivalent to that with α set to thesmallest x∗cu,s ≥ x. It enables us to derandomize AVG effec-tively. Instead of randomly sampling (c, s, α), we carefullyevaluate the outcomes (of CSF) from setting α to every pos-sible x∗cu,s in the optimal fractional solution. Intuitively, itis desirable to select an α that results in the largest incre-ment in the total SAVG utility. However, this short-sightedapproach ignores the potentially significant increase in to-tal SAVG utility in the future from the remaining users andslots that have not been processed. In fact, it always selectsan outcome with α = 0 to maximize the current utility in-crement. Therefore, it is necessary for AVG-D to carefullyevaluate all potential future allocations of items.

Specificially, AVG-D selects the set of focal parameters(c, s, α) to maximize a weighted sum of 1) the increment ofSAVG utility in the current iteration via CSF with (c, s, α),and 2) the expected SAVG utility in the future from item as-signments at slots that are left unfilled in CSF with (c, s, α).Due to the space constraint, please see Section 4.3 in thefull version [31] for the details of AVG-D, and the proof ofthe following theoretical result.

Theorem 3. Given the optimal fractional solution X∗,AVG-D returns a worst-case 4-approximate SAVG k-Configuration in O(n ·m · k · |E|)-time.

4.4 Enhancements of AVGIn the following, we detail enhancements of the AVG and

AVG-D algorithms. First, we show that AVG and AVG-Dsupport values of λ 6= 1

2via a simple scaling on the in-

puts. We then design two advanced strategies, includingan advanced LP transformation technique and a new fo-cal parameter sampling scheme, to improve the efficiencyof AVG and AVG-D. The LP transformation technique de-rives a new LP formulation to reduce the number of de-cision variables and constraints from O((n + |E|)mk) toO((n + |E|)m) by condensing the xcu,s variables (k is thenumber of slots). We prove that the optimal objective inthe new formulation is exactly that in the original one. Thefocal parameter sampling scheme maintains a maximum util-ity factor x∗cs (detailed later) for each pair of item c and slots to avoid unnecessary sampling of focal parameters (c, s, α)when α ≥ max

u∈Vx∗cu,s, especially for a large k. We prove that

the sampling results of the new sampling technique and theoriginal one are the same. Therefore, the efficiency of AVGcan be improved without sacrificing the solution quality. Fi-nally, we extend AVG and AVG-D to support SVGIC-ST(and also the Social Event Organization (SEO)-type prob-lems) by tailoring CSF with consideration of the additionalVR-related constraints. Due to the space constraint, wepresent the details in Section 4.4 in the full version [31].


In this section, we extend SVGIC and AVG to supporta series of practical scenarios. 1) Commodity values. Eachitem is associated with a commodity value to maximize thetotal profit. 2) Layout slot significance. Each slot locationis associated with a different significance weight (e.g., centeris better) according to retailing research [13, 58]. 3) Multi-View Display, where a user can be displayed multiple items

in a slot, including one default, personally preferred item inthe primary view and multiple items to view with friends ingroup views, and the primary and group views can be freelyswitched. 4) Generalized social benefits, where social utilitycan be measured not only pairwise (each pair of friends) butalso group-wise (any group of friends). 5) Subgroup change,where the fluctuations (i.e., change of members) betweenthe partitioned subgroups at consecutive slots are limited toensure smooth social interactions as the elapse of time. 6)Dynamic scenario, where users dynamically join and leavethe system with different moving speeds. Due to the spaceconstraint, we present the details in Section 5 in the fullversion of the paper [31].

6. EXPERIMENTSIn this section, we evaluate the proposed AVG and AVG-

D along with various baseline algorithms on three realdatasets. We also build a prototype of a VR store withUnity and SteamVR to conduct a user study.

6.1 Experiment Setup and Evaluation PlanDatasets. To evaluate the proposed algorithms, threereal datasets are tested in the experiment. The first datasetTimik [29] is a 3D VR social network containing 850k ver-tices (users) and 12M edges (friendships) with 12M check-in histories of 849k virtual Point-of-Interests (POIs). Thesecond dataset, Epinions [14], is a website containing thereviews of 139K products and a social trust network with132K users and 841K edges. The third dataset, Yelp [72],is a location-based social network (LBSN) containing 1.5Mvertices, 10M edges, and 6M check-ins. For Timik and Yelp,we follow the settings in [6,20,52] to treat POIs in the abovedatasets as the candidate items in SVGIC. The preferenceutility and social utility values are learned by the PIERTlearning framework [35] which jointly models the social in-fluence between users and the latent topics of items. Follow-ing the scales of the experiments in previous research [49,51],the default number of slots k, number of items m, and sizeof user set n selected from the social networks to visit a VRstore are set as 50, 10000, and 125, respectively.Baseline Methods. We compare AVG and AVG-D withfive baseline algorithms: Personalized Top-k (PER), Fair-ness Maximization in Group recommendation (FMG) [51],Social-aware Diverse and Preference selection (SDP) [52],Group Recommendation and Formation (GRF) [49], andInteger Programming (IP). PER and FMG correspond tothe two baseline approaches outlined in Section 1. Specifi-cally, PER retrieves the top-k preferred items for each user(the personalized approach), while FMG selects a bundleditemset for all users as a group (the group approach) withconsiderations of fairness of preference among the users.SDP selects socially-tight subgroups to display their pre-ferred items, which corresponds to the subgroup approachoutlined in Section 4. GRF splits the input users into sub-groups with similar item preferences without considering thesocial network topology, which can be viewed as a variationof the subgroup approach where the subgroups are parti-tioned based on preferences instead of social connections.Finally, IP is the integer program formulated in Section 3.3that finds the optimal solutions of small SVGIC instancesby Gurobi [21]. All algorithms are implemented in an HPDL580 Gen 9 server with four 3.0 GHz Intel CPUs and 1TBRAM. Each result is averaged over 50 samples.


Optimizing Item and Subgroup Configurations for …the next-generation VR malls, where item placement is cus-tomized exibly in accordance with both user preferences and potential - [PDF Document] (10)


































tal S





Figure 2: Total SAVG utility vs. size of user set (n).

Evaluation Metrics. To evaluate the algorithms con-sidered for SVGIC and analyze the returned SAVG k-Configurations, we introduce the following metrics: 1) to-tal SAVG utility achieved, 2) total execution time (in sec-onds), 3) the percentages of personal preference utility (Per-sonal% ) and social utility (Social% ) in total SAVG utility, 4)the percentage of Inter -subgroup edges (Inter% ) and Intra-subgroup edges (Intra% ) in the returned partition of sub-groups, 5) the average network density among partitionedsubgroups, normalized by the average density of the origi-nal social network, 6) the percentage of friend pairs viewingcommon items together (Co-display% ), 7) the percentage ofusers viewing items alone (Alone% ), and 8) regret ratio (afairness measure detailed later in Section 6.4.)Evaluation Plan. To evaluate the performance of theabove algorithms, we use IP to derive the optimal totalSAVG utility on small datasets. The social networks anditems in the small datasets are respectively sampled by ran-dom walk and uniform sampling from Timik according to thesetting of [42]. Due to the space constraint, please see Sec-tion 6.2 in the full version [31] for the experimental resultson small datasets. Next, in Section 6.2, we evaluate the effi-cacy of AVG and AVG-D in large datasets with input scalesfollowing previous research [49,51], while conducting exper-iments on different inputs (the p and τ values) generated byPIERT [35] (default), AGREE, and GREE [8]. We examinethe efficiency of all algorithms, including various configura-tions of mixed integer programming (MIP) algorithms, inSection 6.3. We then compare the algorithms on the afore-mentioned group formation-related performance metrics inSection 6.4. A case study on a 2-hop ego network in Yelp isshown in Section 6.6 in [31] to examine the subgroup parti-tion patterns in different algorithms. Result of a sensitivitytest on r, an important algorithmic parameter of the de-terministic AVG-D algorithm and experimental results onthe SVGIC-ST problem are reported in Sections 6.7 and 6.8in [31], respectively. Finally, we build a prototype of VRstore with Unity 2017.1.1.1 (64bit), Photon Unity Networkfree 1.86, SteamVR Plugin 1.2.2, VRTK, and 3ds Max 2016for hTC VIVE HMD to validate the proposed objective inmodelling SVGIC. We detail the user study settings andresults in Section 6.5.

6.2 Sensitivity Tests on Large DatasetsWe evaluate the efficiency and efficacy of AVG and AVG-

D in large datasets with the scales of the three dimensionsfollowing previous research [49,51], i.e., m = 10000, k = 50,and n = 125. Figure 2 presents the total SAVG utility byvarying the sizes of user set in Timik. The results mani-fest that AVG and AVG-D outperform all baselines by atleast 30.1%, while AVG-D is slightly better than AVG sinceit selects better pivot parameters for CSF. Moreover, thereturned objective values of AVG and AVG-D respectively




































tal S





EpinionsTimik Yelp

Figure 3: Total SAVG utility in diff. datasets.





































tal S





Learning Model

Personal Social


Figure 4: Total SAVG utility vs. different input.

achieve at least 93.7% and 96.4% of the objective value ofIP, manifesting that our algorithms are effective. Comparedwith GRF, the improvement of AVG-D grows from 43.6%to 54.6% as n increases, since GRF splits the users into sub-groups without considering social relations, but social in-teractions among close friends become more important fora larger group. By striking a balance between preferenceand social utility, AVG and AVG-D achieve a greater to-tal SAVG utility. Compared with PER and GRF, FMGachieves a higher social utility but a lower preference utilitybecause it displays a universal configuration to all users.

Figure 3 compares the results on Timik, Yelp, and Epin-ions. The social utility obtained in Epinions is lower thanin Yelp due to the sparser social relations in the review net-work, and group consensus thereby plays a more importantrole in Yelp. Despite the different characteristics of datasets,AVG and AVG-D prevail in all datasets and outperformall baselines since CSF operates on the utility factors fromthe optimal LP solution, which does strike a good balanceamong all factors. FMG and SDP benefit from the high so-cial utility in Yelp and outperform PER. By contrast, PERperforms nearly as good as FMG and SDP in Epinions sincethe social utility is lower.

Next, to examine the influence of input models on thetackled problem, Figure 4 shows the experimental results ondifferent inputs generated by PIERT [35] (default), AGREEand GREE [8]. PIERT jointly learns the preference and so-cial utilities by modeling the social influence between usersand the latent topics of items. For AGREE and GREE [8],the former assumes the social influence between users isequal, and the later learns sophisticated weights of the triple(user, user, item). AVG and AVG-D outperform the base-lines with regards to all different input models, manifestingthat our method is generic to different distributions of in-puts. Note that the social utilities returned by AVG andAVG-D with PIERT and AGREE are slightly greater thanthe ones with GREE. The result manifests that AVG andAVG-D can select better items for users to enjoy if socialutilities are different across items.

6.3 Scalability Tests on Large DatasetsFigure 5(a) presents the execution time in Yelp with dif-

ferent n. IP cannot terminate within 24 hours when n ≥ 25,


Optimizing Item and Subgroup Configurations for …the next-generation VR malls, where item placement is cus-tomized exibly in accordance with both user preferences and potential - [PDF Document] (11)

(a) Execution time vs.size of user set (n).

(b) Execution time vs.size of item set (m).

Figure 5: Execution time in Yelp.

Figure 6: Results of different IP heuristics.

and SDP needs 300 seconds to return a solution even whenn = 5. Figure 5(b) shows the execution time with differentm. Note that AVG and AVG-D are both more scalable tom than the baseline approaches because CSF exploits thefractional solution without m in the complexity. AlthoughAVG-D provides a stronger theoretical guarantee, the scal-ability of AVG on n is better than AVG-D because AVGsamples the target subgroups randomly.

To examine the performance of different mixed integerprogramming (MIP) algorithms, we further conducted ex-periments with Primal-first Mixed Integer Programming(IP-Primal), Dual-first Mixed Integer Programming (IP-Dual), Concurrent Mixed Integer Programming (IP-C), De-terministic Concurrent Mixed Integer Programming (IP-DC), and the Barrier Algorithm (IP-Barrier) in the Gurobi[21] package. Figure 6 shows the trade-off between effi-ciency and efficacy of five different IP algorithms on theTimik dataset with the default parameters ((k,m, n) =(50, 10000, 125)). For every MIP algorithm, we evaluatethe solution quality of different algorithms with the runningtime constrained by 200, 1000 and 5000 times the runningtime of our proposed AVG-D algorithm for the same instanceto compare the obtained solutions in different time limits.The y-axis shows the objective value normalized by the so-lution of AVG-D, which manifests none of the 5 baselinesachieves any solution better than that of AVG-D in 5000Xof the running time of AVG-D. As such, although there issome subtle difference in performance across different MIPalgorithms, none of the examined algorithms shows a rea-sonable scalability. Please see the full version [31] for morediscussions on the scalability.

6.4 Comparisons on Subgroup MetricsIn the following, we analyze the subgroups in the SAVG

k-Configurations returned from all algorithms in terms ofsubgroup-related metrics. Figures 7(a) and 7(b) comparethe ratios of Inter-/Intra-subgroup edges averaged across allslots in the SAVG k-Configurations in the Timik and Epin-ions datasets, respectively. It also shows the average net-

(a) Inter/Intra% and sub-group density (Timik).

(b) Inter/Intra% and sub-group density (Epinions).





0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1




Regret Ratio

(c) CDF of Regret ratio(Timik).





0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1




Regret Ratio

(d) CDF of Regret ratio(Epinions).

Figure 7: Comparisons on subgroup metrics.

work density among the partitioned subgroups normalizedby the original density of the input social network. Theresults from all datasets indicate that the majority of pre-served edges by AVG are within the same subgroups (largeIntra%). FMG achieves 100% in Intra%, 0% in Inter%, and1 in normalized density because it consistently views thewhole network as a large subgroup. In contrast, PER has ahigh Inter% as it separates most users into independent sub-groups to display their favorite items. There exist a smallsubset of widely liked or adopted items in Epinions that ap-pear as most users’ favorite (hence the small nonzero Intra%of PER), while famous VR locations (e.g., transportationhubs in Timik) are inclined to be associated with high pref-erence utilities by the exploited recommendation learningmodels as they generate a lot of check-ins among all users.Therefore, they have a higher chance to be co-displayed byPER. Among all methods, AVG achieves the largest normal-ized density as CSF carefully considers the utility factors topartition the network into dense communities.

Figures 7(c) and 7(d) report the Cumulative Distribu-tion Function (CDF) of regret ratios of all algorithms in theTimik and Epinions datasets. The regret ratio reg(u) [34]is a game-theory based measurement for the satisfaction ofindividual users and the overall fairness of the solution. Foreach user u, the regret ratio reg(u), and its converse, happi-ness ratio hap(u), are defined as follows.

reg(u) ≡ 1− hap(u); hap(u) ≡


wA(u, c)



wA(u, c)

where the numerator in hap(u) is the achieved SAVG util-ity, the denominator with wA(u, c) = (1 − λ) · p(u, c) + λ ·∑v∈V τ(u, v, c) is an upper bound of possible SAVG util-

ity when all users view c together with user u, and Cu isa k-itemset, corresponding to a very optimistic scenario fa-voring u the most. Note that the second term of wA(u, c)is different from wA(u, c) in Definition 3. In other words,the upper bound is the SAVG utility of u if she dictates


Optimizing Item and Subgroup Configurations for …the next-generation VR malls, where item placement is cus-tomized exibly in accordance with both user preferences and potential - [PDF Document] (12)

(a) Percentage of diff. λ. (b) Total SAVG utility anduser satisfaction.

(c) Inter/Intra% and sub-group density.

(d) Co-display rate andalone rate.

Figure 8: Comparisons on user study.

the whole SAVG k-Configuration selfishly. Therefore, a highhap(u) (equivalently, a low reg(u)) implies that user u is rela-tively satisfied with the SAVG k-Configuration, and fairnessamong the users can be observed by inspecting the distribu-tion of regret ratio in the final configurations.

AVG and AVG-D consistently have the lowest regret ra-tios. Among the other approaches, PER incurs the highestregret ratios for users in all datasets, since it does not fostersocial interactions in shared views. Consistent with the per-formances on SAVG utility, FMG and SDP outperform PERand GRF in the Timik dataset, but their performances arecomparable in Epinions because the sparser social relationsin the review network generates lower social utility. Interest-ingly, in Timik, some users in GRF are highly satisfied (asthe CDF of GRF matches well with that of AVG and AVG-Dfrom the beginning) but some others have very high regretratios (as the CDF dramatically rises near the end). Thisindicates that a portion of the users in GRF may actuallyhave their preferences sacrificed, i.e., they are forced to shareviews on uninterested items with other subgroup members.In contrast, FMG and SDP show flatter CDFs, implying theuser preferences are more balanced. However, users in FMGand SDP consistently have regret ratios over 20%, while theregret ratios seldom exceed 20% in AVG/AVG-D; this is be-cause the randomly chosen pivot parameters (in AVG) andthe deterministically optimized one (in AVG-D) can effec-tively form dense subgroups with similar item preferences.More experimental results on subgroup metrics can be foundin Section 6.5 in the full version [31].

6.5 User StudyFor the user study, we recruit 44 participants to visit our

VR store. Their social networks, preference utility, and λ arepre-collected with questionnaires, which follows the settingof [49], and the social utility is learned by PIERT [35]. ALikert scale questionnaire [61] is used to find the preferenceutility of items, where users are allowed to discuss the prod-ucts so that the social utility can be learned. Finally, theyare asked to provide λ in [0,1]. We investigate the followingresearch question: After experiencing the VR store, are theparticipants satisfied with the SAVG k-Configurations gen-

erated by AVG, PER, FMG, and GRF? User feedbacks arecollected in Likert score [61] from 1 to 5 (very unsatisfactory,unsatisfactory, average, satisfactory, and very satisfactory).Each group of participants visits the VR stores twice viahTC VIVE with the items selected by each scheme in ran-domized order.

Figure 8(a) reports that λ values specified by the usersrange from 0.15 to 0.85 with the average as 0.53, indicatingthat both personal preferences and social interactions areessential in VR group shopping. Figure 8(b) compares thetotal SAVG utility as well as the recorded user satisfactionof each method. AVG outperforms the baselines by at least34.2% and 29.6% in terms of the average total SAVG utilityand average user satisfaction, respectively. The differenceof AVG is statistically significant (p-value ≤ 0.019 < 0.05).It is worth noting that the correlation between the SAVGutility and user satisfaction is high (Spearman correlation0.835; Pearson correlation 0.814), which manifest that theSAVG utility is a good estimation of user satisfaction.

Figures 8(c) and 8(d) report the subgroup metrics in theuser study datasets. GRF, which separates users into sub-groups according to preference similarities, returns a lownormalized density (0.21), i.e., users in the same subgrouptends to be strangers. Compared with the results in large-scale datasets (Figure 7), GRF performs worse here sincethe normalized density is more sensitive when the user setis relatively small. In contrast, AVG flexibly assigns properitems to different subgroups of friends such that the normal-ized density is greater than 1 and the alone rate is 0%.

7. CONCLUSIONTo the best of our knowledge, there exists no prior work

tackling flexible configurations under the envisaged sce-nario of VR group shopping. In this paper, we formu-late the SVGIC problem to retrieve the optimal SAVG k-Configuration that jointly maximizes the preference and thesocial utility, and prove SVGIC is NP-hard to approximatewithin 32

31− ε. We introduce an IP model and design a novel

4-approximation algorithm, AVG, and its deterministic ver-sion, AVG-D, by exploring the idea of Co-display SubgroupFormation (CSF) that forms subgroups of friends to dis-play them the same items. Experimental results on real VRdatasets manifest that our algorithms outperform baselineapproaches by at least 30.1% in terms of solution quality.

8. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe authors thank Sheng-Hao Chiang, Liang-Hao Huang,

and Guang-Siang Lee for valuable technical discussions, andPo-Jui Chen, Yueh-Hsue Li, Wen-Yueh Shih, and Jui-YiTsai for their great help in this work. This work is sup-ported in part by the National Science Foundation undergrants III-1526499, IIS-1717084, III-1763325, III-1909323,and CNS-1930941, and in part by the Ministry of Scienceand Technology in Taiwan under grants 107-2221-E-001-011-MY3, 108-2218-E-009-050, 108-2221-E-001-002, 108-2221-E-009-088, and 109-2634-F-009-018.


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