Venus at the Heart of the Sun: What it Means and Why It’s Important (2024)

Today we start the week by looking at Venus cazimi, which means Venus conjoining the sun or Venus at the heart of the sun. We are going to explore five different themes to watch for as the week progresses and Venus and the sun travel together. This is an exciting transit signaling the beginning of Venus's shift into the Evening Star position, a process that will unfold over the summer into July.

Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Monday, everybody. Today, we start the week by looking at Venus cazimi, which means Venus conjoin, the Sun or Venus at the heart of the Sun. We are going to take a look at five different things to watch for five different themes that you may notice. As the week progresses, and Venus and the Sun are traveling together, you may have already noticed some of these themes over the weekend as the conjunction was starting to come through.

So, we'll take a look at the timeline and five different themes that we may notice this week. And I hope that this will be useful for people because this is a really exciting transit that signals the shift for Venus into the beginning of Venus is shift into the Evening Star position, which will play out over the course of the summer into July before Venus kind of comes out and appears as the Evening Star. So, it's a long reset process for Venus. But we're right at the heart of that reset process today. So, it's an exciting moment to look at in depth.

Alright, well, before we get into it, as always, don't forget to like and subscribe and share your comments and reflections if you have them. We love hearing from you guys. You can find transcripts of any of my daily talks on the website When you are over there, the promotions I want to cover today are to first go to the events page and click on live talks; you will see that here we go. Yes, so you will see that the 12th house is my next talk on June 13. I'm giving a talk called The 12th House of the World We Struggled to See, and this is about the healing potential of that 12th-hole sign house in your chart and the way that it relates to the first-hole sign house on an archetypal level.

So there's a way in which we can approach this. Regardless of what your birth chart looks like, there's going to be information in this talk that can help you relate to your 12th house in a deeper and more meaningful way. Maybe unlocking some of the healing potential that exists there because it does exist for all of us in that house. So that'll be a fun talk on June 13. If you can't make it live, you can purchase the talk and get the replay link so that you can watch it on your own time.

Then, the other thing I want to promote is the upcoming course Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic. Our first-year course in ancient Hellenistic astrology begins June 16. You can learn more about it here on the first-year course page. New Group starting up as Jupiter and Pluto are trying it's a great time right now to study a philosophical system especially a big story, sort of Aquarian subjects like ancient astrology.

At the bottom, you'll find some payment options, including the need-based tuition option, which is available for all of our programs. That allows you to pick within a sliding scale if you are someone who needs a little help because you are living on a fixed or tight budget. We understand that people come from different places, and we want to make sure that no one is priced out of studying a sacred subject. The horary astrology course also begins on June 22. If you have a little bit of a background in traditional astrology, you know your dignities, you know how to identify aspects, and you understand traditional house meetings. Horary is a really interesting subject in astrology that a lot of you guys, I think, will enjoy.

If you stick around after today's talk, you'll hear a little promotional video that I've tagged on to the end of the content for the day, going over the horary program in depth so you can learn more about it. And there's need-based tuition assistance for that program as well. So feel free to take advantage of that. If it is something that helps make the program possible. We ask people to just be honest if they can afford what we ask our normal price use; if you need help and you really want to study, then feel free to use the sliding scale need-based tuition.

All right, so on that note, let us switch gears now. I'm going to put up the real-time clock, and we're going to go over the transit timeline here first. So you can see here Monday, June 3, we're in the first week of June. It is a busy first week of June with a new moon coming up in Gemini. We'll be covering that. But you can see at the outset of the week that we have Venus and the Sun conjoined.

So, the two planets are within the 15-minute range that we would like to see. It's right about there. Now, what I want to do is push this forward a little bit. If I go forward to tomorrow, June 4, you'll see that they are exactly conjoined to the minute. And if I go forward again to Wednesday, they're still conjoined within less than half of a degree. And then on Thursday, June 6, as the new moon comes through, I mean, look at this, if we just back this up a little bit to get the exact degree of the new moon. The New Moon is in a triple conjunction with Venus at the heart of the Sun. That's fantastic.

It's a new moon with Venus cazimi. What a powerful omen, honestly. Then we go forward one day, and now, by Friday, we're getting that separation from Venus. She's now officially moving into the recovery phase, whereas on the other side, Venus has been going through combustion, which can be a little difficult. So now we see Venus separating. And if we track it out just a little bit, we want to get Venus about 15 degrees away from the Sun.

Here, you can see by the end of June, she's just about six degrees away from the Sun in cancer and then gradually gaining distance. So by the time Venus enters Leo in mid-July, she's about 11 degrees separate from the Sun when you get to about 15. That's typically where Venus will appear. So when we see right here by this is toward the end of July, Venus is in Leo at 13 Leo suns at zero Leo, so you get about 15 degrees of separation. And that for Venus is going to occur right at the very end of July. Okay, so Venus appears as the Evening Star.

I'm kind of excited about it because her appearance as the Evening Star coincides with my return to Venus. So I'm like, ooh, that's kind of fun. But either way, if you're like, I can't help but think about myself with Venus in Leo. But you can see that Venus is slowly carrying this transformational process that she's going through right now with respect to the cazimi. And she's carrying, draw in sort of dragging that out, drawing it out, I should say, all the way through the end of July.

So it's something to watch for, especially since Venus appears as the ruler of the recent Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Venus, the sign of Taurus; as she appears as the Evening Star, she will immediately enter into a square with Uranus in Taurus. That's by August 1. It's a very powerful moment. So yeah, there's a lot a lot of action for Venus now and as the summer goes on. So what we want to do today, given that Venus is about to be at the heart of the Sun for most of this week, is refresh ourselves on what a Venus cazimi looks like. This is specific to Venus, at the heart of the Sun in Gemini, a Mercury-ruled sign at the bottom of the Air sign, et cetera.

So these are five things to watch for in no particular order that I think will be useful to think about this week. And you may have already been experiencing these things, by the way, as the weekend was coming through; for example, Venus entered the same degree as the Sun yesterday. So, you may have even been noticing some of this already.

All right, well, the first one is that when Venus and the Sun come together, you get Venus infused with the light of the Sun, which can bring about clarity, light, enthusiasm, and energy, a kind of enlivening and invigorating quality. In the same way, you see plants perk up and get really happy when there's sunlight.

Or when you know, when they've been watered. Some plants get kind of droopy, then they get watered, and they're like, ah, any planet, when it's at the heart of the Sun, is receiving that life support from the Sun. And hence Venus goes through this awakening and clarifying or lightning it; the energy could be described as a kind of enthusiasm or an energizing that is flowing right through the heart of Venus. So with respect to Venusian topics, any and all Venusian topics can go through a period where it's like, they're getting the spotlight of the Sun is just blasting right on Venus, and infusing those topics with life.

So love, sex, friendships, art, beauty, style, playfulness, all Venusian topics, the things that we value or find attractive, all of them get amplified by light, which means we can go we can also come to an understanding where there's light, there's suddenly an understanding of who and what I like or love or find beautiful, right? So it's as though there is this great, energizing effect. And it can be, well, you know, how does the enthusiasm come through with Venus? Suddenly, we're more affectionate when we externally display or demonstrate.

I love this, especially in a Mercury-ruled sign where communication may also be amplified. Here, we find ourselves suddenly speaking or, you know, communicating more openly, affectionately, or brightly about those things that we love. Or you could find that there's just a kind of lightness and brightness with respect to mine: speech, intelligence, communication, and our relationships are the things we love or find attractive, or anything artistic as well. So just think about the Sun just pouring straight through the center and just radiating light through everything, Venusian, and then give it a little mercurial airy twist.

Number two would be that because of the Gemini and Mercury rules, double-bodied air signs are naturally playful. It's a very playful sign. Did you know, for example, that Hermes was traditionally the ruler of a number of different sports, especially things that go back and forth? Pickleball, tennis, soccer, and basketball court games that go back and forth, back and forth. Tag you're it? No, no, no, no, I'm chasing you. Now you're chasing me.

This kind of back and forth was considered Hermes, so when you have Venus, now Jupiter, in the sign of Gemini, you have an energy of playfulness. Did you know, for example, that Jupiter in Gemini was on a thread conversation recently and was participating in it and adding in some stuff? It was really interesting. The Rubik's Cube came out. I think it was someone mentioned when Jupiter was in Gemini; I want to say Catherine Urban mentioned that she's a friend and colleague; there was the Atari or something like that.

Mario Brothers Two and Three are huge revolutions in gaming. When Jupiter was in Gemini, the XBOX was created while Jupiter was in Gemini. The PlayStation 2, both of which constituted major revolutions in gaming, came out while Jupiter was in Gemini. So we have this Gemini energy right now, the point is that it is very much associated with playfulness. There were a number of brain teasers or mind puzzles this other woman on threads was mentioning, and I thought that was interesting, too.

But anyway, the point is that it's a very playful place; Venus being reborn in this place, with the light of the Sun, energizing her can mean that there's just a playfulness and attractiveness of flirtation, kind of intelligent, witty, and fun, quality, sort of in the air right now. So watch for these qualities, because they can really enliven and they can be a part of a process of change.

Sometimes, we think that the vehicle or that the impetus for change has to come from pain or suffering; I get that I only change because things get rough. And then I took the cosmic feedback, and I refined myself, but the other way in which change happens is through fun, through play, through excitement, through creativity. Change can happen just as readily through surprises, surprising fun, you know, witty banter as it can through a difficult conversation, you know. So consider the idea that right now, these qualities of Venus and the Sun together in playful, flirtatious Gemini can be very transformative; they can be very helpful.

Number three. Now, because Venus is at the heart of the Sun, this is resetting her into the Evening Star position where she is more comfortable; by the way, because the evening is associated with the nocturnal planets, Venus is the benefic of the nocturnal sect. So this is a moment of reset and rebirth for all things that are Venusian and Mercurial at the same time. The way I like to think about it is that both genetics and ancient astrology were associated with the ideal sense of flow, harmony, and order. When we think of order now, we are often programmed to think of order as something suppressive or oppressive in relation to individual autonomy and spontaneity.

Alright, so the order is like, ooh, discipline, order, structure, control, someone trying to control me. But for the ancients, that word order is very much like the idea of a song that you love; think of a song that you absolutely love. That song reflects a kind of Venusian order, a meaningful ordering of notes and sounds and sentiments, a message that's being communicated through beauty and harmony, and there's a kind of internal coherency to it.

That's order in the ancient sense that Venus and Jupiter both represent, and they're co-present Gemini right now. And they're the Venusian reset that we're experiencing. While Venus is at the heart of the Sun, it can be about receiving a new vision that creates a new or different sense of Venusian order. One of the words that were used to describe the order of the cosmos was Harmonia, which basically means that the universe is coherent, beautiful, and well-arranged.

Even you have to have an imagination for this because it's a little bit hard, but even in the sense that it includes darkness, it includes difficult things, but it includes them in a way that I mean, not at every second and certainly not in the midst of trauma or pain or suffering, but almost always there is a sense of everything having its place that has been reflected on and commented on by mystics and sages throughout all ages all across the world. That, you know, right in the midst of pain and suffering, it doesn't always make sense. But there is a place for darkness even. And so even Venus is not a stranger to including darkness in her sense of what is meaningful, beautiful, or a part of the overall harmony. So I mean, you have to remember that it's not just like that; well, the universe is such a beautiful, shiny place. No, it's It's beautiful in the way that it's arranged. That also includes darkness.

So anyway, with respect to both Venus and Jupiter, there are reset moments when we just go through the Sun Jupiter, cazimi. Their reset moments can also point to a revision of different kinds of order. Jupiter's order is usually about philosophical, you know, intellectual values, the justice system, the education system, and forms of government.

Ideally, Jupiter represents something like a system or body of knowledge or information like astrology, engineering, physics, or something like that. Venus has more to do with the sense of order, which is aesthetic and relates to our sensual experience of life.

For example, something that's much more Venusian would be the would-be music, music theory, or it would be the color palette and the mingling and matching of different colors in aesthetic displays. The word cosmos comes from and shares the same roots as the word cosmetic, a well-arranged whole.

So when either Venus or Jupiter are going through resets, and again, they both just have, there is a sense in which we are trying to establish a new sense of order. Now, for each of us, it can be very subtle and obviously very personal; you want to look at the whole sign house of Gemini to see where that reset is happening and what topics of life are connected to that reset. But Venus at the heart of the Sun is a chance for a new vision of what is both sensible, ordered, and beautiful or enjoyable. To start emerging.

The Venusian order of our lives is just as important as any other kind of order. But Venus right now is saying, what is going to be pleasurable? What's going to be beautiful? What's going to be enjoyable? And how does the picture of our lives need to shift to accommodate a different, a different set of valuables, values that we want to possess and create as a matter of lived embodied joy or sensual gratification? It's like creating a new Venusian way of life. And it doesn't happen all at once. It doesn't happen in one moment. It's been happening in the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, and Venus, the sign, was part of it. And now the Venus Venusian reset. With Venus gradually rising as the Evening Star by late on in the summer, it's all part of the same thing.

So, it is a moment of reset or rebirth for all things Venusian. And there's a little mercurial twist, which means that this reset may have something to do with things that are also mercurial words, speech, communication, thoughts, and learning. Anything that is both playful and curious and beautiful. It can have to do with the development of Venusian skills, like singing, songwriting, or learning a musical instrument. It can also literally be about games and the importance of games and play.

Affection, pleasure words, speech, the value of intelligence when it comes to what we find attractive, or these are all different kinds of qualities that may impress themselves on some kind of shift or reordering of our lives that Venus is asking us to consider right now.

Number four, I already just mentioned this; I guess I jumped ahead of myself with a reordering of the cosmos according to Venus. So when Venus goes through this reset, she's asking us to rearrange, rearrange the cosmetic display of our life. And this is something happening both now. It's been happening since April with Jupiter Uranus; it'll continue happening as Venus emerges as the Evening Star through the end of July. Shifts in relationships, of course, are the big ones. Venus is Venus, after all.

And so we may experience shifts in relationships, the chance for relationships to become more diverse or to open or change in multiple different new exciting directions. That multiplicity, that curiosity of Gemini, that ability to open our minds and to consider multiple different ideas and streams of information. Venus is asking us to open our minds, our worlds, our lives, our relationships, our values, and what we find beautiful or attractive, and it's just seeking to come in and diversify. And to be more playful, I think, is an overarching concern for this placement in general.

So, the open the opening of our minds and our relationships are both signified by Venus and Jupiter being in Gemini under an upcoming New Moon in Gemini as well. So we're going to visit this more as the week goes on because we've got a New Moon in Gemini and a bunch of other stuff happening all month in Gemini.

If you've watched horoscopes or listened to the monthly overview overview, you've heard us breaking some of this down. So this is all really exciting stuff. And this is what I have for today to get us started for the week. Let me know if you got if you have good stories to share or anything that comes up as the week goes on, come back and share your story. We'd love to hear it.

We're going to wait for a break in the action because there have been so many transits this spring. I like to wait until there's a lull to throw in a new grabbed episode. But we do have some great stories I've been aggregating to share with you guys eventually.

If you stick around after I sign off, you can learn more about the upcoming horary program. All of our classes start this month with all of this Gemini energy, all the trines to Pluto and Aquarius. It is a great week for the commencement of it's a great month, I should say, for the commencement of astrological study or really any kind of study, but anyhow, we'll leave it there.

Thank you guys for listening, and I hope to see you in classes soon. And we'll see you again tomorrow with more content. Bye

Venus at the Heart of the Sun: What it Means and Why It’s Important (2024)
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