The Taos News from Taos, New Mexico (2024)

THE TAOS NEWS Thursday August Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Aguilar, their wedding altendants. Mr. and Mrs.

Valentine Martinez, and ring hearer. Dale Romero are nictured at Cordova-Aguilar Vows Are Said White gladioli decorated the frat altar when Miss Maria Elena Cordova and LeRoy Aguilar said: their marriage vows at a nuptial Mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe: Church, the morning of August 30th. The Rev. Albert Chavez. celchrant of the Mass.

performed the impressive double ring ceremony and the processional and recessional were played by Mrs. Reberea Homero. organist. The bride is the daughter of and Mrs. William Cordova of: El Pravio.

and the bridegroom is the sell of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Aguilar of Albuquerque. 'The bride attended St. Joseph's Taos.

Loretto Academy. San' Fu and was graduated from Taos Mich School She also studied at Now Mexico State University, Las Cruces. The bridegroom, a graduate of Toes High School. served for two Taosenos Attend Lulac Meeting Attending the district 1 meeting of the men's and women's councils of Lulac at the Los Alamos: recreation hall, Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.

Eliverio Medina, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Younis. Mr. and Mrs.

Tony Cordova. Mr. and Mrs. Tom: Oakeley. Mr.

and Mrs. Philip Cantu. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Garcia.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Montoya, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cardenas.

Mr. and Mrs. Eloy Peralta, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Gallegos, Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Oakeley, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Trujillo and Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Martinez. Mr. Garcia was made president oi the men's council and Mrs. president of the women's council. Festivities included a co*cktail party.

dinner and dance. Guest speaker was the Lulac Nanocal P'resident Felix Tijerina. CRAWFORDS HAVE NEW YORK GUESTS Guests of the Clay Crawfords Mr. and Mrs. John R.

Bennet and children Helena Mr. Crawford's and son, David, leit for their Mt. Kisco. N. butte.

vesterdav. Mr. Bennet is a securities analyst. VISIT 'THE BLAIRS Guests of the Don Blairs are Mrs. Blair's brother-in-law and Ar.

and Mrs. Edward Rouse and children, Nan and Ed. ward of Concord, N. H. PURCHASE HOUSE The F.ric Gibberds have purchased the Harriett Thompson house on La Loma.

Paintings by Mr. Gibberd are on exhibit for a month at the Taos Country Club. Mr. and Mrs. John Karavas were here from Mora, during the weekend.

Dick Sterick, formerly of Fort Worth. Texas. Now of Albuquer. que, was the guest of Tom Humphreys during the weekend. Mrs.

Martha Bewley will leave this week for her Fort Worth. Texas, home after a -week visit with her son. Ed Bewley. Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Fox of: Albuquerque, visited Taos relatives over the weekend. ARTHNR FRANZ RETURNS Motion picture and TV actor. Arthur Franz. has returned to his Taos country home with his daughters. Melissa and Gina.

for a short stay. Mr. Franz who spent some time here earlier this summer is continuing work on his house. Back to school -see our vast assortment of HELEN HARPER'S sweaters and matching skirts. EL CHICO DRESS AND CURIO SHOP.

(Adv.) 27, 1959 the reception at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Cordova. Photo--Regina Conke Who And Where Mrs. Ed Slegall spent last week with her uncle and aunt, Mr.

and Mrs. L. E. Park at Albuquerque. Driving to Albuquerque with herily was her mother, Mrs.

E. L. Henry, who returned to Dallas after a three-week visit here. Mrs. Virginia Manuelito and sons.

Bruce, Patrick and Ira of Lomita, arrived Thursday of last week to visit Mrs. Manue-, lito's parents, the Telesfor Romeros of Taos Pueblo. Because the flood en route the had a long delay when their train was forced to stop between Bar. stow and Needles. Evelyn Lujan of Taos Pueblo' had as guest last week, her sister and nephew.

Airs. Tonita Keah-, hone and son. Gordon. of Santa Fe.l Another nephew. Robert Keahbone, of Santa Fe who is serving with the Marine Corps at 29 will return from service in October.

Here from Roswell, recently. was Evelyn's cousin, Jimmy K. Lujan and his family. Miss Nan Lipsett left last Friday for Chicago, afler vacationing at her Tans summer hime. A physicali education teacher, Miss Lipsett was formerly with the Taos Municipal School.

Arthur Flores. son of Mr. and Mrs. Nat Flores, is back home' after undergoing surgery for a knee injury at St. Vincent's pital, Santa Fe.

Miss Sue Engstrom who was summer missionary for the South-1 ern Baptist Convention. teaching Bible School in various New ico towns, will attend Hardin-Simmons University. Abilene, Texas, this year. Returning to New Mexico Military Institute. Roswell, will be Kenneth Morris, Stephen Lovato: and Johnny Grainger.

MRS. KIKER GUEST Mrs. Henry A. Kiker of Santa Fe was the guest of Mrs. Mabel Dodge Lujan this week.

She also visited the Kibbey Couses and other Taos friends. Miss Susan Dicus will enter Denver U'niversity next month. Other Taos students planning 10 study there are Vincente Martinez and. Dan Yoder. Al Gutowski, who spent the summer in Taus, will be among students at the University of Oregon, this year.

Jimmy Grainger will be among those attending the University of New Mexico. Off to Highlands U'niversity, Las Vegas. will be Dick Valdez. Eddie Valdez and Pat Trujulio. Jim Mike Brandenburg will leave Sept.

9th (or Phillips Exeter Academy. Exeter. N. H. He will drive there with his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Howard Brandenburg who will visit Mr. Brandenburg's mother. Mrs. M.

Brandenburg in ville. as they return home. Miss Lucille Ortiz left last week for New York to fly from there to Germany where she will receive a teaching assignment in the U.S. Army schools. Mr.

and Mrs. Sam Tananbaum of Denver are spending this week al the home of Mrs. 'Tananbaum's sister, Airs. A. M.

Rosen. Miss Susan Rosen will return home this week from a visit with her grandparents, the Lieb Rosens. at Los Angeles, and will be among students returning to the University of New Mexico. next month. Her brother Ricky will return to the Academy for Boys, Albuquerque.

Miss Karen Pond will leave Sept. 10th for Colorado Women's College. Denver. where she will finish junior college studies next June. Spending this week with the H.

Ford Taylors are Mr. Taylor's sister. Mrs. J. H.

Moseley and grandsoo, "Bud." Society and Arts Ph. PL 8-2131 Edited by REGINA COOKE Ph. PL 8-3780 I years with the U.S. Marine Crops and is presently associated with the Baldridge Lumber Company, Albuquerque. For the ceremony, the bride: wore a period gown of white lace: and tulle underlaid with satin.

The' moided bodice was designed with Sabrina neckline accented with pearls, and long pointed sleeves finished with tiny satin covered buttons. The full skirt extended over a hoop. The bride's veil was' attached to a crown of seed: pearls and she carried lavendar orchids caught with shower ribbons on her lace covered prayer book. Mrs. Valentine Martinez was matron of honor.

Her floor length gown was of white embroidered marquisette over pink. The bodice was finished with a brief bolero and the skirt was detailed with ruffles. Her bandeau matched her gown and she carried a colonial bouquet of mauve and white chry. 1santhemums. Mr.

Martinez acted as hest man for the bridegroom and ushers were Eloy V. Martinez and Manuel Aguilar Jr. Jackie Glover was flower girl. wearing a floor length frock in pink and carrying a nose gay The ring bearer. Dale Romero carried the rings on blue satin cushion.

Mrs. Cordova. mother nf the bride was attired in a black and blue print afternoon gown with which she wore a white lace hat and corsage of white carnations. Mrs. Aguilar.

mother el the bride. groom had selected a turquoise and white polka dot dress and white accessories and her corsage was also of white carnations. The breakfast. honoring the bridal party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

B. Mar. tinez. with 60 guests attend. ing.

The bride's table. covered with a lace cloth. held bouquets of gladioli. During the afternoon reception at the home of the hride's parents. traditional Spanish music was played the patio by violinist and guitarist.

sin Adolfo Fresquez Tranquilino Lucero. Throughout the house arrangements of varicolored gladioli were used as de. cor. The tiered wedding cake was crested with a miniature bride and groom. At the punch howl were Mrs.

Rudy Pacheco and Mrs Eloy V. Martinez. Assisting in receiving guests were Mrs. Fortunate Martinez. Mrs.

Agnes Herrera and Mrs. Pablita Jiron. For a wedding trip to Colorado. Mrs. Aguilar wore a sheath dress in brown and turquoise check with accessories in white.

Upon their return the couple will reside Albuquerque Among out of town weddui2 guests were Mr and Mrs. Trujillo. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chene.

Mr. and Mrs Abad Lucero. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Aguilar.

Manuel Aguilar and Miss Lillian Aguilar. all of Albuquerque: the Rev. Francis Martinez of Socorro: and Mrs. Josephine Martinez, of Denver. Mrs.

Rainer Is WEC Chairman Mrs. Tony Reyna was made chairman of the Woman's Extension Council of Taos County in a colorful ceremony when Mrs. Else Cunningham, state home extension agent. was here helping organize the county council. recently.

Other officers installed were Mrs. Thomas Selph of Cerro, vice chairman. Mrs. Moises Rael of Questa. sec.

retary. and Mrs. Lee Archuleta of Costilla. treasurer. Attending the Woman's Extension Council picnic at Kit Carson Park were 40 persons.

All of the women contributed delicious fuod and coffee was brewed on the spot. Threats of rain terminated the together all too soul after the feast. Paul Ramos And Miss Rizell To Marry Sept. 1st Paul Peralta Ramos, son of Arturo Peralla Ramos. formerly of Buenos Aires.

and the late Mrs. Millicent A. Rogers, of Taos, willi be married to Miss Inga Rizell. of Nykoping. Sweden, in a quiet afternoon ceremony altended by family members only.

at St. Ignacius Church, New York, Sept. 1st. Officiating will be the Rev. Daniel (Burke.

Announcement of the approaching event was received here this week. John Joseph of Wallingford. will serve as best man for Mr. Ramos. and attending the wedding will be Mr.

Ramos' brother, Peter Salm. Following the ceremony a small reception will be held at the New York home of Mr. and Mrs. Ar. turo Ramos, brother and (in-law of the future bridegroom.

The bride-elect has been with the United Nations. New York, for the last three years. The couple plans to reside in New York City where Mr. Romas recently purchased a home. Attends Meeting Rev.

Sam Horney, pastor of the! Canon Brethren church, is current-: attending a board of trustees: meeting of Grace College and Grace Theological Seminary Winona Lake, Indiana. Rev. and Mrs. Horney will return to Taos later this week. Miss Marie Elaine Berrenberg.

TAA To Give Supper For Philadelphians The Taoos Artists Association will give a potluck supper as an: opportunity for members and their guests to mect Artist Mrs. Morris Blackburn, of Philadciphia, next Tuesday evening, al 6:30 in the lilac garden, weather permitting. In case of unfavorable weather the event will take place: in the Stables Gallery, Film Slated "The Happiness of the World Socicty," an educational film, will be presented al 7 p.m.! Saturday at the Harwood Foundalion gallery room above ibrary. The film is sponsored by Prado congregation of Jehova's! Witnesses. headed by John Troup, presiding minister.

"Hundreds of thousands world over have viewed this movie with interest." Troup said, "and we are happy to make it available; persons of the Taos area. GARDEN CLUB PLANS TOUR A pilgrimage to various gardens will constitute the program for the meeting of the Taos GarClub next Tuesday afternoon 2:30. Members will gather at the home of Mrs. Phil Albright, hostess for the occasion. (Photo -Don Blair) Miss Berrenberg Is Bride-Elect Mr.

and Mrs. have announced and forthcoming daughter, Miss renberg to Kent sen, son of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. arrived here Sunday for a with his parent's, Returning with Jack Berrenherg' 'Christensen of Denver.

The wedthe engagement ding will take place in December. marriage of their. The bride-elect who was graduMarie Elaine Berated from Taos High School this Gilbert Christen- spring, will leave next week for and Mrs. Harvey: Denver where she will attend business school. Alfred A.

Baca The future bridegroom is study. from Los Angeles ting electronics while employed by two-week vacation the Mountain States Telephone Company, Denver. He the Max Bacas. completed three years service with them through the Naval Air Corps. bad and the Grand Canyon will; be their son, Anthony, who has; been spending the summer here.

with his grandparents, Also mak-' ing the trip back will be Mr. and. Mrs. Gus Zemba who drove out: with them. Miss Mary Wallace Funk spent the weekend at Boulder, visiting Mrs.

Allen Williams and her family. Mr. and Mrs. Lozier Funk and daughter, Miss Mary Wallace Funk, were among Taosenos attending the 3-day Gallup Ceremonial. Meeting at the Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs, recently.

were Mr. and Mrs. J. B. French of Taos, and Mr.

and Mrs. J. B. French of Rapid City, South Dakota, who were accompanied by the Taoseno's son, Jimmy. The senior Frenches accompanied their son and his family back to Taos for a few days stay before going on to the West Coast.

Kiwanis Will Sponsor Room The Taos Kiwanis Club. at its meeting last week, voted to sponsor a room in the new Holy Cross Hospital. The new room will be built under the hospitals "three year plan" in which the cost. $2.400 is payable over period of three years. LADIES BERKSHIRE'S Annual sale ends Aug.

29th. Take advantage at these reduced prices. EL CHICO DRESS AND CURIO SHOP. 'Adv.) ARRIVE AT TAOS AIRPORT Flying in at the Taos Saturday, were Mr. and Mrs.

Bill Rounds and children of Wichita. I who are enjoying a camping trip while Mr. Rounds attends the quarterly meeting of the Pot Creek Lumber this week. Arriving in his plane from Westport, Sunday. was Robert Schwarzenbach who is spending a few weeks with his family, here.

H. J. Anderson and J. T. Mor.

rison of Colorado Springs were among those flying in Sunday. The Maverick club members; (have been pulling in as hours as possible working on the plane purchased at Eagle Nest! and Horgan. which was flown here by Jess! Mrs. Dick Grainger and daughLeslie. enjoyed a spin over Taos with Pilot Ira Reed.

Mrs. Sanford Is Curator Mrs. W. E. Sanford (Artist is the new curator of the Gov.

Bent House Museum. which: will remain open throughout the: Fall and Winter, with hours from 9' a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily, including' Sunday. Well known artist, exhibits in Taos galleries: and has shown extensively elsewhere.

She has also taught in the: Taos Municipal School. Otto Noeding. Elementary School principal and Don Shockey, Junior High, School science teacher returned to: their posts in the Taos Municipal School, this week. Also back in school is student Jimmy Moore, summer museum attendant. Pecos Meet Set Friday The 1959 Pecos conference will get under way tomorrow and will: through Saturday at the Fort Burgwin Research First-day activities will include current research reports: the sec-: ond day, special programs of immediate interest.

Plains Southwestern relationships will be discussed at the meeting. Charlie Steen will chairman this discussion Saturday morning. Dick Woodbury will be charge of a. i session on American tectural features Saturday after. noon.

Delegates will attend: a social in Taos Friday evening and a barbe-. cue Saturday night. The group will visit the archacological project at the Philmont Scout Ranch, Sunday afternoon. Fred Wendorf is program man. Ten Attend Camp Ten Taos teenagers are attending Bethany Youth Camp this week at Winona Lake, Indiana.

They include Douglas Horney. Elroy Pacheco. Ellis Garcia, Albert Gallegos and Tom Horney. PROFESSOR VISITS Prof. Julian Moynihan, of the English department, Princeton University, Mrs.

Moynihan and their daughter are here for a short sojourn at the Golden house. Random House. publishers, will soon bring out Prof. Moynihan's first novel. OKLAHOMA MUSEUM DIRECTOR: Nan Sheets Is here her annual Tans sojourn from Oklahoma City.

Photo -Regina Cooked Nan Sheets Slates Art Competition Nan Sheets, director of the new Oklahoma Art Center, Oklahoma City and founder of the former Oklahoma Art Center, in 1936, Taos summerite for many ycars, after first coming here in the! 1920's, is back for her vacation; at the Deuel Ranch. With her is Miss Kathleen Moore who has been visiting here with Mrs. Sheets over the seasons. The only director of the old and new Art Centers throughout the years. Mrs.

Sheets has scheduled an 8-state competition, for next month, to include Taos and Santa Fe artists. The exhibition is expected to make an impressive display in the handsome new building. which is cir. cular in design and affords every modern facility for hanging. Mother Ill Lee Farran, editor of the Taos News, was suddenly called last week to the bedsidfe of his mother who is critically ill at the family home in Newark.

Ohio. All his friends wish Lee's mother a speedy recovery and Lee a speedy ENJOY OUTING and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Forrester. daughter.

Ann, of Oklahoma. City, visited Mrs. Sybil McDannold Friday from Red River where the Forresters are vacationing. Some good fishing and a fish fry in Taos Canon were included in day's fun. ATTEND FUNERAL AT KANSAS CITY Mr.

and Mrs. Ward Lockwood returned last week from Kansas City where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Lackwood's brother, Francis H. Bonebrake, and some time with family members. Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Highsmith, annual summer visitors. spent last week from St. Louis at El Monte Molel. MUSEUM CURATOR SEES TAOS Friends of Mrs.

H. S. Grits here last week, were Mr. Mrs. Stephen Gyermek, of Shat nee, where Mr.

Gyerne is curator of the Gerrer Mused of St. Gregory's Catholic Collet It was through Mrs. Griffin the Gyermeks became interest in visiting Taos which they fog delightful and to which they they hope to return frequently RELOCATE HERE Mr. and Mrs. John Fleming living in Charles Barta house off the Santa Fe Road.

Flemings returned to Taos summer after several years dence in Alamosa, Colo. Mr. Fie jing is associated with George jendar in the lumber business. Mr. and -Mirs.

Woody Erwin return to their Fort Worth. Ter home, Sept. 9th, with their dad ter, Jan. entering Stephen's lege, Columbia, Mo. Mrs.

Dee Bailey of Springs. who lived some years while in cha of the Harwood art gallery. lamong Taos visitors. Mrs. Bad is currently in real estate.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brooke Duarte, returned home terday following a three- work with his brothers. Frank. Chat and Bob Brooks.

E. BOYD TO BE HOUSEGUEST E. Boyd, curator of Spanish lonial art. Museum of New ico, Santa Fe. will be the of Robert D.

Ray and Otto Pita during the Pecos Conference. week. TO STANFORD Miss Ann Rainer and Miss Abshire will enter Stanford versity, Palo Alto. Calf. month.

Michael Doudoroff wit turn there as a member oi junior class. TAOS COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY, INC. Bonded Abstracter Juanita M. Howell PLaza 8-3973 Helena Rubinstein's SAVE up to ANNUAL BEAUTY SALE Buy get one free! Limited time only! MAGICI With: Mascara-Matic. Curls.

colors lashes without a brush. Free! Mascara Remover Purpose Oil. Worth 1.001 3.00 Value Now 2.00 DRY SKIN? With: Deep Cleanser with Panetrel. Cleanses, smooths. Free! "Pasteurized" Face Cream Special.

Rich cream. 2.32 Value Now 1.50 NORMAL OR OILY SKIN with: Deep Cleanser with Penstrel. Cleanses, protects. Fane! Skin Lotica. Refreshes.

pores 2.00 Value Mow 1.50 With: Dew- Lipstick Guaranteed not to dry lips! Free! Silver- plated ConvertIble case worth 1.101 2.10 Value Now 1.00 DEW-KISSED LIPS! NEW MOISTURE With: New Silk- Tone Moisture Creamy base. Free! New Silk- Face Powder. Delicate, silken. 2.02 Value Now 1.50 COLOR AND LUSTRE FOR HAIR! With: Color- Shampoo. Washes hair with color.

Free! Headliner hair groom to polish, keep hair in place. Value Now 1.25 THE HEAVENLY COMPLEXIONS With: Heavenly Glow Compact Make-up Gold trimmed case Freel Deep Cleanser with Penetrel Cleanses, protects 2.19 Value Now 1.50 FACIAL HAIR? With: Nudit Face Cream De pilatory with SuperFreei Talc. For ads- over loveliness. 2.00 Value 1.50 ALL-DAY BOQY FRESHNESS! With: Pertuma Spray Deodor ant. Fragrant, sati- perspirant Freel Eau de Toilette.

Romantic, young. 2.00 Value Now 1.25 price plus taa CORONADO PHARMACY TAOS, NEW MEXICO DEPENDABLE SERVICE PHONE PL 8-3323 INTO Leon pyram of far from TI E.moti hit la2e Divater hen Cat on ented or Th And Wi pic. Wi in 10 rape sued This 101 Erick. hd hu 1 (qu the Ca the rive 019 their ate lender 9725 urtal hi rely alov. adren The TURNERS EXTEND HOSPITALITY Guests of the Charles Turners at El Monte Motel.

during the weekend were John P. Dunn. for. mer dean of Colorado now headmaster of The Kent School for Girls. Denver, his son Peter, his mother, Mrs.

1. E. Dunn of Philadelphia, and his father-in-law the Baron Alfred William van Zuylen of Brussels. The Turners invited parents of the Kent School girls to meet their guests, Sunday evening and on Monday morning the Harry Gam-! mons invited the visitors to break-: fast at their home. Visiting the; Turners last week was Mrs.


Emmell Ellis attended the funeral of Mrs. Ellis' sister. Mrs. Charles Sedlacek. at Borger.

Texas, Monday. Mrs. Sedlacek who had been critically ill for some time died at Friday. The Ellis children made: the trip with their parents. Guest of Angelino Ravagli is Mrs.

Rose Wesberg of California, sister of Maria Huxley. the late wife of Author Aldous Huxley. Dinner Jackets FOR RENT TUXEDOS BECKER'S Espanola, N. M. ho ho Ver aim W.

riter. Vi Leon rebi roc.

The Taos News from Taos, New Mexico (2024)
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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.