The Register from Santa Ana, California (2024)

SANTA ANA DAILY REGISTER, TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 22, 1938 17 IRISH TRAIN GUNS ON TROY, LAST HURDLE Dons To Start DeVelbiss, Lindskog The PAYOFF WILL CALL OR CHICAGO. Phil K. Wrigley of the Chicago Cube said today that when player contracts for 1939 are sent out he will offer Pitcher Dizzy Dean "substantially the same salary he received last The chewing gum magnate said Dean was "very satisfactory during the past season once he was able to get in there and Diz was out of action with a. shoulder ailment during the greater part of the campaign, then came back and pitched the Cubs into the world series with a victory over the Pittsburgh Pirates in their crucial September series. URGE CHICAGO 0 UIT FOOTBALL (UP) The Daily Maroon, student, newspaper at the University of Chicago, suggested today that intercollegiate football at the university be abolished.

The editorial discussed the team's 1938 season, during which it failed to win a Big Ten game and defeated only De Fauw, i.nd asserted that abolition of football "appears the wise 1 jee Hamity, captain of the 1938 eleven, was quoted in another section of the paper as saying: "The men on the football team play because they love it and naturally don't want to see football abolished here. I favor playing a schedule with small colleges, although a lighter schedule might be Athletic Director Nelson Metcalf was quoted as saying that Chicago was "systematically lightening its football BACK TO EARTH Meet The Dons! THREE FIGHTS The Battling Bacas scored again in last triple main event at an ill wind, etc. so we can half-expect Santa Ana's junior college fortunes to profit by County Athletic club. Ana high school's foot-1 Sal. the wee Baca, had more trou- ball season.

his trunks from fall- RAN Dartmouth college football squad, 35 strong and headed by Coach Earl Blaik, arrived by train today from Hanover, N. for its intersectional game with Stanford at Talo Alto Saturday. Dartmouth, defeated only by Cornell this season, found itself installed 10-to-8 favorites Sophom*ore Brelje Elected Orange Captain Orange high Panthers elected their 1939 football captain yesterday. He is Walt Brelje, husky guard. Brelje is only a sophom*ore and is the second soph to be elected to leadership of a Panther eleven in the history.

Alvin (Whitey) Edwards, now assistant football coach at Whittier college, captained the Orangemen two years running back in 1926 and 1927. Brelje succeeds Dick Gunther. Coach Stewart White's Panthers won only one game this season but are looking forward to a more successful campaign next fall with the return of nine let- trrmen, most of them regulars. luMVlHiAH 1 SHOKS FOR MIN $5.00 to $7.50 IN WIDTHS AAA TO Ph BARNETT'S 5713 BOOTERY W.4th Meaning that this time most of the graduating Saints will follow the natural cjrse of events and be come Dons instead of being whisked away to college campuses by overzealous alumni, there to athletically die in obscurity. Nothing succeeds like success, and when a team has bad a winning season the big time scouts descend on the high schools like locusts.

The height of something or other was reached here only last year when every outstanding member of Coach Bill Citrus1 belt league Pride champion squad was plucked off the vine before Don ivory-hunters could take a deep breath. Bill Musick was rushed to U. S. C. at mid-year.

Don Warhurst and Larry Stump landed at California, Bob Mattock at Notre Dame, Milton Smith at U. C. Monte Klepper at Oregon, and Jack McClure at St. One or two of these boys may make the varsity grade but chances are the whole flock would have seen much more action by remaining in junior college two years, then transferring. The point trying to drive out of the rough is illustrated by the Saints who were gobbled up after the fairly successful season of 1935.

IT. S. C. swooped down and took away three promising linemen; Jack Robinson, Bob Reid and Jim Crowther. These lads all made freshmen numerals, but were lost in the varsity shuffle.

Robinson is now a Trojan golfer, Crowther has quit school. Reid labors with the Spartans. Had these chaps gone on to jaysee they would have seen lots of action, perhaps fitted themselves for varsity careers. On that '35 squad with the Messrs. Robinson, Reid and Crowther were Joe Crawford, Mac Beali, Erwin Youel and Bill Semnacher.

They were not rated as highly yet they developed into junior college stars and two of them went on to accomplish more in college than Robinson, Reid and Crowther. Our 1938 Saints boast half a doz-jry Reynold, in the second en players about equal in ability! to the three "Forgotten Chances are, in view of Santa losing season, they will be left; alone by the scouts and so will en-i ter junior college. Tackles Bob Webb and Pride are both good prospects, should make the Dons good reserve strength next fall. Pride showed so much prom- ise as a junior that Coach was a dizzy always the said some-1 Tpn seftson and the thing about him ie ,.1938 all-conference squad Larry B.l! was a little pregg previous course but a the reason.

Five teams completely thT' if riven a dominated the.two honor rolls, tackle at that If hes given a champions. chance to get Michigan. Perdue. Wisconsin and goes for Gene Ham- placed two men aker a really fine back but who on first team and Indmna land- ha. a knee that watch- other It waa the ci vcrnnn with the second team, al- ing; Rav Mercado and vernon Tisn-, hv "ve-t guards, and Don (though Indiana and.

sure enough, Dunning, a big center who also was Chicago were represented. PreM All-Big Ten ho enters! honor ing off than he did making a chump out of Cruz Flores, tough little Lns Angeles leather pusher. Flores waded in and gave Baca a busy evening but the Santa Anan beat him to the punch time after time, battering him around the ring in no uncertain manner to take three out of four rounds and an easy decision. Fight of the night was between Fernie, the middie-sized Baca, and the Ebony Jimmy Myndy who was without doubt the toughest boy Fernie has tackled here. They popped each other with everything but the permit In the first round.

Mundy speared Fernie with a long looping right at the start of the second and set Baca back on his heels and made him mad enough to come back and shower Mundy with a barrage of lefts and rights that finally floored him in the third for a three couni Mundy Jumped up and returned the compliment, setting Baca on his rumbleseat and opening a small cut over his eye and continued the brawl through the fourth, giving Baca a wild time but Fernie dished it right back piling up point after point to win a close but well earned decision. Santos, the big Baca, outpointed Ed Scrutchens, a tough Ebony club mauler. Scrutchens persisted in clinching until Baca blistered his boiler room with a series of lefts and rights and then stood off and boxed from long range, taking a merry larruping from Baca. Wayne Penn and Beto Medrano, a tough Filipino, gave each other such a shellacking the fight was stopped by Referee Johnny Adams at the end of the second and ca.l- ed "no contest" because both boys were badly cut around the eyes. Penn wanted to continue but Adams said no.

Jack Harris was knocked colder than a tail by ciever Johnie Wilkes in the second Kid Buddy took a close decision from Jimmy Merced, one of the club's old time favorites Roy Train floored Gene Penn, big brother, for three eight counts, finally winning by a technical knockout In the fourth Richie Young, of Anaheim, flattened Hen TWO GRANGES REVEALED FOR JACKET GAME BY HARRY QRAY80N Editor, NIA Revocation of Harry In Pennsylvania Is anoth- glaring example of grandstand play on the part of boxing com: missioners. Thomaa' performance against iTony Galento was no u.ore urt- satisfactory than was the action the Pennsylvania board in ap- proving the Philadelphia fiasco. Jules Aronson of that august (body fully qualifies as a boxing commissioner by explaining that Thomas took the easy way out. Two changes appeared likely to- I wonder just what Aronson day in Santa Ana junior pected that renowned tumbler to starting llngup against Fullerton Thanksgiving Day on the basis) Aronson now of the dls- of showings against San Mateoi gracefulness of showing. last Friday.

(The time for hurt and his col- Tcd DeVelbiss. husky veteranj leagues to have thought of that who has been in a slump since the start of the season, is slated to replace Glenn Cave at left end. and Vic Lindskog probably will get the call at outside half, according to Coach Bill Cook. The remainder of the "hatting him break the all-time record for will remain intact with Co-; being knocked down. One of the Captain Johnny Joseph at the Thomas was toppled a half doz- Santa Anas jaysee footballers I8.other en(1.

Mulkins by Max Schnieling In Wes Midkins. 204-pound tackle "boltacklc; MickeJwait New York, five by Joe (h non linp Mulkins' Jack Lentz, center; John right side of the Don line. Mulkins lives in Escondido, was persuaded rarroil Tov to enrol) here by George Si former Santa Ana baseball man who is now in the automobile business at Escondido. Mulkins is V), wears No. Next year he should and be one of the best thfe Ana squad through tackles encouraging SEASON REST was before 12,000 persons paid to see it.

I know what the various commissions and promoters are trying to do with Thomaa unless it is their aim to have Dick Saunders, halfback, and Co-Captain Timken, fullback. ALL-BIG 10 TEAMS workouts of the season at the Bowl yesterday. Meanwhile over at Fullerton, Coach Wendell Pickens is driving the Yellowjackets at top speed in an effort to have their running game working in a flawless manner. Little Aubrey Mlnter, Negro quarterback, Is plated to handle the ball on most (of the fast-breaking i Plays through tackle, guard and a doz- around end. en junior college students wore year'3 Pickens brouffht his their heads bald today except with orders to the a tuft of hair neatly cut in the form Dons The plan backfired of the letter jn the first half when Santa The stands for Tech Cali- backs picking off nearly fornia Institute of Technology, the Hornet passes and turn- whose campus the men of 'Pasadena; G(j them into touchdowns of their junior college raided last night Pans will remember that pre-football game rivalry.

came back during the While 400 students battled, send- sccon(j half and held the Dons ing six to the hospital and seven to: scoreless. jail, hapless junior college students were kidnaped, one by one, and -p. 1 by Caltech men Inside refill otUUCntS their fraternity houses. The fight started when a group In UOlirf from Caltech tried to raise their 111 flag on the junior A ft olKr Two hundred Junior college stud- illLCI CjJ lvclllV ents chased them to the Caltech campus, where men poured from Thir- the dormitories and struggling ty-five University of Pennsylvan- heaps of youths tore up the )a students were to he given Louis in Chicago, and five by Galento. These are only the knockdowns on the main line.

Larry THOMAS NOW FALLS FROM FORCE OF HABIT Counting all the times the human bowling pin plummeted to the deck on little sidetrlps here and there, the distance he his fallen, if placed end to end, would exceed the Texas Christian football combined mileage and yardage for 1938. Thomas had fallen so far and had the habit so badly by the time he got around to Galento that he could no longer restrain himself until he was hit. For this reason. Thomas will not take rank with great lerj of the beak busting business, but. he would be a riot in England because of his inclination to live up to all the fine old tradi-; tions of the British ring.

The bct-j BY STEVE SNIDER ter falters good ones like! (United Press Staff Correspondent) Gypsy Joe Beckett and Phil Scott! CHICAGO Notre Dame has who best represent the differ-1 ended its brilliant campaign in the ent types always hit, how- and midwest and trained its ever. long-range guns today on Southern Thomas is the Scott type of California, lone remaining hurdle filler, although he Is hot nearly on roa(j to f)rst undefeated as tall as the Swooning Swan fw Irjsh ainre Knutfe Soho, and probably wouldn whine i Rockne.g lagt toam foul even If it would avail him' anything in these foul-proof days. On Dec. 3. Notre Dam- will Like Scott, Thomas falls In sec-! Us greatest test of the year at Los tiorw.

He sort of caves In Southern California may a bit at a time. Again, like have the speed flashed by Car- he gets up practically negie Teach, nor the power of on ring elevator. Minnesota's Big Ten champions. but the strain of eight straight RINGWORMS LIKE TO SEE victories, plus a layoff, may BIG ONIS TUMBLE thc Irish. Notre Dame's eighth victim was Beckett, the daddy of all most stubborn.

Northwestern, made it unanimous on the first; count. There never was any doubt In anybody's mind when Gypsy Joe was tagged by a dirty look. He promptly left imprint in which finished fourth in the Big Ten. outcharged and outfought I Notre Dame the entire first half. led 7 to 6 until midway through the third period and still was dangerous after Bill Hofer's place kick another strip of canvas.

Beckett and Scott made for-, Jrish back tunes simply by falling. 3 (o I the answer to Harry Ag usual, it was a long run that Thomas. started Notre Dame's opponent Certainly the 12.000 patrons of down hm Hofer 8 65-yard dash with an intercepted pass scored the Irish touchdown in the second period. It was an unexpected thrust at a point Northwestern was in complete charge, but blockers appeared from nowhere to clear the path for the speeding Hofer. It was Notre victory over Big Ten teams.

Illinois. In Which McLemore Invades Old Mexico BY HENRY McLEMORE (United Fresa Staff Correspondent) Hoses and sprinklers were turned on. Junior college students replied bv hurling rocks through windows or Ricketts hall, a dormitorv, and turning a hose inside the building. It was tseimated $300 damage was done. Organized squads of Cajtech students quietly carried off the Jmior College youths.

Locked inside dormitories and fraternity houses with half a dozen students sitting on them, the unlucky prisoners were neatly shaved or gone over with horse clippers. hearings today on disorderly conduct charges following a pep rally for the Thanksgiving Day football game with Cornell. Nearly 2000 undergraduates participated in a minor riot in which students laid down a barrage of milk bottles and eggs from dormitory windows, carried locked automobiles onto trolley tracks and started bon fires in the streets along the campus. used at guard, I look for Hamakcr, jaj'see in February, to make Coach Bill Cook about the best all-purpose back the Dons have had since Johnny Lchnhardt. a a First Team Second Team Petrick, Indiana LK.Kmuse, Purdue Mihal.

Purdue Indiana Heikkinen. Mich.LG Hovland. Wise. Murray. Haman, weigh, brtwhen ,75 180.

TjgMI. hip and fait enough to carry 'N'rweatrnRB Waaem. Chicago Wetael thority. On top of that he can Moore, Minn. Kvashevski Mich, (7) Spangler block with the best and pass Brock.

Purdue Schmitz. Wise. Vel unusually well. Only his bum knee T. J.

Neal's Santa Ana league hoopsters jumped right hack into the first-half championship picture last night with a 56-28 victory over strong quintet in the first game of a basketball triple-header. In the second game Treeswcet undefeated five continued its winning ways with a 41-14 triumph over Patterson's Dairy. Famous Department overwhelmed Shoe store 59-1 ft. Lineups: FIRST GAME T.J. (56) (28) Eltiste Co.

Schwarm (10) (4) OJstniie TO IN ST. LOUIS DEC. NEW Galento, the National Boxing No. 1 heavyweight challenger, will fight Otis Thomas, Arkansas Nogro, 'n St. Louis Dec.

6. manager, Joe Jacobs, an- today. CUSIHAIRIACHIC, Mexico of my raadsrs who have atlases or ehildren who are making better than grades in geography, please wire ms collect and tell me where I am. I am supposed to bo on a football tour, and my instructions call for me never to bo far away from Racoon cots, sophom*ores, and backs with injured knees. But here I am in Cusihairiachie, which looks like a typewriter exercise when written, and like a trunk falling down stairs when pronounced by the citizens of the place.

Obviously this going to be a sport column. I have no doubt but what Cusihair- iachic has a potential Rose Bowl team, because every town I have visited since I left New York has had one, but unfortunately I ask about it. Because I speak Mexican, heaven knows, but I was a willful boy and took up the harpsieord instead. That was about the time Pancho Villa was playing hare and hounds with a young American army captain, John J. Perching.

I am in Mexiee because Emily Post is not riding with me. What I mean ia, I took the wrong a road. Instead of going to Arizona I turned off into Maxico and so you can imagine my surprise when the lights I saw in the distance, and imagined the Galento-Thomas comedy clubbed over the head until they broke down the doors of Convention hall. They cheerfully paid, although any newsboy could have told them exactly what was going to Ringworms like to see the big crash, and like wrestling, it, I presume, under the head Minnesota and Northwestern fell of harmless entertainment. that ordPr- Minnesota was hammered worst of all.

19 to 0, but the Gophers came back last week to win the conference championship from Wisconsin's favored Badgers. 21 to 0. It was the second straight season the Big Ten failed to produce a great team, but Notre Dame's unexpected success at least gave the Midwest Its first National championship contender since Minnesota's last undefeated team of 1935. to be those burniifg in the ranch of Clarence Buddington Kelland, turned out to be those of Cusihairiachie. Armed only with my harpsichord and scarcely enough of the Mexican language to season a bowl of chili, I was at a loss in this town.

But, readers, I tried my best to get you a sports story, and sntsrsd into conversation with the firet citizen I encountered. He was Isaning against a puffing on an Which is Mexican for cheroot. I called, est le football He shook his head, shifted from one bare foot to another, and said Con carnel I called sharply. He continued te pay no attention. Finally 1 let him have all the rest of the Mexican in my vocabulary.

I drew myself up to my full five feet ten, waistline 38, glove size 11, ear-muff aize 28, and barked: "Peon, Aztec, frijalt, buenos dias, tequilla, where in Hall am I This brought him to. He eyed with interest and finally he said: if looking fop the best hotel, two blocks up, turn to the right at the first traffic light, and then go down another block. be on the CALIFORNIA FOURTH ON HOULGATE LIST LOS (UP) Dame soared higher above the heap of the nation's better 116 college football teams today in Statistician Deke ratings. Houlgate gave the Irish 36 points on the strength of the eight straight victories, while second place Tennessee was four points behind. Oklahoma was third with 27, Cal; ifornia fourth -with 25, Duke and Texas Christian tied for fifth with 21, Pittsburgh, once beaten, seventh i with the same number of points.

Pacific Coast teams were rated: Santa Clara tied with Mississippi for 15th with 17; U. S. C. tied with 'Vanderbilt for 25th with 14; St. Mary's 30th with 12; U.

S. F. tied with Michigan Statq for 45th with U. C. L.

A. tied with Brown and Lafayette for 54th with none; Montana, 58th with minus .05, I said, inwardly pleased that my master of a strange tongue had at last brought results. I put the car in low, and waved a good bye. he called with the most delightful Mexican accent. So, here today and gone manana, my friends.

(Copyright, 1938. by United Press) will hold him back unless some big-time scout reads this, thipks tip the boss to a good thing and rushes Hamaker off to some college campus, there to die on the vine. Crumley Harmon. Mich Dcnjo (5) (5) Velasquez Buhlcr. Minn Substitutions' Neals- Beall (4).

Neal (4). Kltiste Weiss, Wise. THEY'LL GET AROUND Ohio basketball team plays seven games in 10 days this winter. During the Christmas holidays the Buckeyes perform six times on the West coast and once at West point. TENNESSEE PLAGES 3 ON ALL-SOOT Pannell, C.Stone (8).

SECOND GAME Treesweet Prod. (41) (14) Patterson Rhoton (12) (7) Buck Bryant (4) (2) Dwyer (12) C. (3) Fritcher Barnhart (7) Howell (4) (2) Substftultons: Treesweet Products (2). Patterson THIRD GAME Famous Dept. (59) (17) Shoes Partlda (22) i LAST GAME SANTA ANA J.


ADMISSION 25c mo RESERVED TICKETS FOR SANTA ANA NOW ON SALE LOCK AND KEY SHOP AND NEAL'S The Seats on West Side of Stadium Will be Held Until Game Time (4) Barrls (4) Meyers (2) Kane (2) Baker the vie tor goes the spoils, even the dub ious spoils of all-star nomination Acker (26) So the Tennessee Vols. unbeaten Rvau and untied champions-apparent are awarded three places on the Substitutions: Allen (2), All-Southeastern conference foot- Soden, Velarde. Dyke, ball team offered today by United Press. Here is the United Press All-1 Southeastern team: First Team Pos. Second Team Wyatt.

Tenn. Kavanaugh. La. VPu. rilPt Upnru Russell.

Auburn LT Holdgraf. Vand. I NEW tC KK (UP) H( nr. Suffridge. Tenn.

LG Hmollkskl, Tenn. Armstrong. lightweight and welter- Chlvlngton. Oa.T. Cox.

Alabama weight champion of the world, was Bosttck. Ala. Komis. Florida a tndnv In rplnin tie Gatto. La.

State Shires. Tenn. A favorite today to retam the Franklin. Vand. RF Wenzel.

Tulane latter crown when he meets Cefer- Cafego. Tenn. Bradley. Miss, Garcia of the Philippines In a Hall, Mississippi I.H Kelly Auburn tch at Madison Square Brunner. Tulane RH Ector.

Ga. Tech u. Holm, Alabama Ford ham. Jn. Garden Friday night.

JITTERBUGS AND OLD FIDDLERS CUT'TO SUBS Slow, ano meuow 1 FAST ON THE 80U- I EVER ROLLEP UP "CRIMP CUT" TO ROLL TO HOLD ITS SHAPE Compete for Orange County Titles SUNDAY, NOV. 27, 8 P. M. ORANGE COUNTY ATHLETIC CLUB Entries Received by Charles Loch at Santa Ana Hotel Beautiful Cupa and CASH Awarda for roll-your-own in every 2-oz. tin of Prince Albert SPCC1AL NO-RISK OFFER TO ROLL-yOUR-OWMERS reuraelf 30 swell elftrttUi from Prince Albert.

Rnd Ik.m the fineit, eifwtttm reo rotura tin witfi of tbo toboceo in it to at any time within a month rom tkia doto, aad will fui! purchase prico, plu. Signad) R. J. Roynoido Tobacco Compony, Mortb Carabao ILL TEW goes on: A. is full-bodied, rich tasting and without bite.

I get around 70 swell cigarettes per easy as A-B-C to see why Prince Albert is rated the National Joy Smoke! P. A. is choice, ripe tobacco to begin with, treated to remove harshness. Prince Albert smokes milder, smoother too "crimp to assure fast, easy rolling, and a cool, slow-burning smoke. Mellower, milder, cooler in pipes too!.

The Register from Santa Ana, California (2024)
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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.